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Comment Re:I'm sorry, but (Score 2) 179

No. I ascribe "keeping us safe" (in an open-ended woolly-thinking sort of a way) to George Bush in exactly the same way that I ascribe "make the world safe for democracy" to Woodrow Wilson. Each of them (OK, Bush's speech writers) knew EXACTLY where the course of their actions would take us.

Comment I'm sorry, but (Score 5, Interesting) 179

When did "keeping us safe" become the primary function of government? Oh, that's right, George Bush and John Ashcroft used that as an excuse to make us live in a police state right after 9/11. Now it has spread to the whole democratic West. Good thing the terrorists didn't win.

Comment Re:8 hours a day (Score 2, Funny) 533

A lawyer dies and goes to heaven (hey, it sometimes happens).
At the pearly gates, he's greeted by St. Peter and a huge heavenly choir, singing.
Lawyer says "What's with the big turnout?".
St. Peter says "We've had popes and saints and kings arrive here, but never someone who's 196 years old."
Lawyer says "What are you talking about? I'm 62."
St. Peter says "They must have added up your billing hours instead".

Comment Re:It's called perspective (Score 5, Informative) 683

Here's a shocking stat I came across just yesterday: the richest 85 PEOPLE have as much wealth as the bottom HALF the world population. That's 85 == 3.5 BILLION. citation[PDF warning]

Almost HALF of the world's wealth is owned by one percent of the population.

In the US, the wealthiest one percent captured 95 percent of post-financial crisis growth since 2009, while the bottom 90 percent became poorer.

Unfortunately, I have somewhere to be, or I'd be writing a much longer epistle.

Comment Re:Yawn.... (Score 2) 143

That's just because this particular case uses negative logic. Try substituting "libel/slander" for "patent infringer":

Normal case:
Plaintiff: "He slandered me!"
Defendant: "No I didn't!"

This case:
Plaintiff: "I didn't slander him!"
Defendant: "Yes you did!"

In either case, it seems overwhelmingly logical and obvious that the burden of proof is on the person claiming they were slandered, irrespective of whether they're the plaintiff or defendant.

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