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Comment Booo, America sucks (Score 1) 310

Oh wait, that's right, in China you can deploy the military against anyone you want and kill someone for a blog post and in North Korea, they can kill you for absolutely any reason and in most Middle East countries it's very similar and um...yeah, so everywhere else is as or more fucked up than the US.

Comment Re:No answer will be given (Score -1, Flamebait) 310

At least the next election with fix a hell of a lot. Obama really, really, really fucked up because now BOTH parties have 2 options for a candidate.
They can either have the candidate be anti-drone, pro-privacy, anti-NSA spying, and anti-Obamacare
Lose the election
We're not talking about a 1% teetering in the middle. You don't run against Obamacare, you lose 90% of the popular vote.

Comment interesting (Score 0) 104

So you do something stupid like that in the US or Canada or England or any other civilized area and you get caught in like a day. Do it in Russia or Indonesia or Turkey or Israel (mega malware hotbeds) and you might get caught somewhere between 2 years and never. Where is the UN on this one? OHHHHH THAT'S RIGHT it's all old people who don't know a thing about technology. That explains the problem.

Comment bribed, unfair, stupid crap (Score 1) 91

Just fight it out with paintball guns or a poker match. Or run through the Wipeout tracks. Or Super Smash brothers. Or Dance Dance Revolution best of 3 dance-off. All this behind the scenes, cloak and dagger, pretend-fair bullshit is getting old. If there's a cap or randomization, some dreamy idiot with some dumb invention wins and doesn't make good use of it. If it's unlimited, the customers end up paying AT&T or whatever for 10 years the 1 trillion dollars or whatever the hell they bid. It's all just passed straight to the customer. If the government runs it, it's a shitstorm.

Comment the real truth (Score 4, Insightful) 320

I don't like the homeless because I met a bunch of them. They sincerely are lazy, unmotivated, and/or drug addicts. There's a temp agency in town where if you show up sober in the morning, you work. The end. If something is preventing you from doing that, it's probably your fault. So that's why I dislike and don't empathize with the homeless. I'm CIO of one company and the rest of the day run a computer repair shop just to make ends meet. I typically work 12 hour days. One of my homeless friends...well, he spends all day playing Magic the Gathering at a hobby shop, hanging out at various locations, bumming rides off people, and stays at the homeless shelter. When we told him to get a job at a temp agency for even just a week, he said he doesn't do that kind of work because he doesn't like it. He's also convinced he's unhireable because he's homeless but it's a cover for being lazy. THAT right there is the homeless. So take your Go Pro and shove it up your ass.

Comment I guess they were wrong (Score 3, Insightful) 146

If you're about to say they were correct, hold on a minute. Without the aide of computers, the tax laws wouldn't be this complicated. No human could ever interpret and correctly follow tax law as it sits right now. So all these computers caused it to grow completely insane and waste small business owner's time.

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