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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 7 declined, 1 accepted (8 total, 12.50% accepted)


Submission + - ASCAP starts to act like the RIAA (

Scott Lockwood writes: "Below Average Dave, a Dr. Demento style parody artist, has been shut down by the ASCAP. ASCAP, acting as badly as the RIAA, is now attempting to ignore the 2 Live Crew Supreme Court decision that Parodies are new derivative works. Just like the RIAA, ASCAP seems intent on ignoring basic truths and misrepresents the law. From his website,

What Happened to Well, you can thank Ascap for that. Under the Fair-Use Doctrine, provided by the United States Constitution, parodies are protected from the normal copy-right laws as they do not infringe on the original works' financial gain. The parodies on this site were non-profit, educational, comment based or criticism. These uses have consistently been held up in court as fair use, and parody has won in court. Unfortunately, being a non-profit site, can not afford to battle Ascap--who is the only license company that doesn't seem to understand the concept that parodies don't fall under their license laws or limitations. I provided them with a link to documentation on parody and the history there of, and what happened in courts past, but they don't seem to get it

If you know anyone who can help BA Dave in his plight, please contact him."

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