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Comment The real problem (Score 4, Funny) 83

I live in Washington state, and I think we're to blame - at least in part. All those Oregon programmers kept coming north to smoke weed here. I was a bit surprised Oregon didn't have plenty of its own already, given its reputation; but no, you'd see those guys all over the place asking "where can I find the good stuff, man. The GOOD stuff! I need a hookup, man!"

Our own health insurance exchange did well after the first week - that's when we fired all the stoners and hired every Mormon coder we could find.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 4, Insightful) 493

You should be able to go to a government web site and enter a persons name to check and see if they have vaccinations, STDs, etc.

nobody as far as i know is advocating a publicly-accessible database here, are they? we already have large data stores full of patient information and i still am not able to look up my neighbor's medical records on the internet.

Comment Re:Excellent (Score 4, Funny) 322

I think if your a company that relies on XP (not the POS edition) and you haven't isolated them on a special - no internet vlan - you have bigger issues than making sure your XP machine has security updates.

I thought all editions of Windows XP deserved the monicker POS?

(Note to the humor-impaired: Chill out, dude. At least I'm not making jokes about your pretend girlfriend, right?)

Comment Re:Boo hoo hoo (Score 1) 108

If your business relies largely or entirely on another business completely out of your control in order to stay afloat, then it's your fault for not diversifying your business.

Adapt, or get left behind.

Isn't this why Firefox decided they were going to start showing ads in new tabs?

Comment Re:danger will robinson (Score 1) 688

when i was in high school calc and we first learned derivatives, on the first exam i saved time because i happened to already know the power rule. fucking math teacher marked me wrong even though i got the right answer because we were supposed to do it the long way.

clearly, the way calculus is taught in schools is wrong and confusing. why not go right to the shortcut? it's the american way, after all.

Comment Re:And I foresee using less Google (Score 1) 355

I started moving away from Google about a year ago for this very reason.

My work email is still a Google Apps for Education based, since our university basically wants everyone either there or on Microsoft's cloud (which UW has managed to muck up, so it's not a great option). But my personal email is not. I do miss Google's spam filtering, which is darn good; but using an email client again has made me realize just how mediocre Gmail's interface is overall.

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