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Comment Re:but when you work with HVAC vendors who sub wor (Score 2) 236

Wouldn't some big company like Target have someone on staff who knows how to firewall off a network just for the HVAC? Huh? Huh?

They probably have several people who can do that. It requires some expertise but not a lot.

Of course they have people who CAN do that. The better question is - do any of those people have the political clout to require Target to spend money and inconvenience managers and "essential" vendors to prevent a "theoretical" security attack.

Comment He's trying to shut down debate (Score 3, Insightful) 683

If you think there is something wrong with historically unprecedented income and wealth inequality, if you fear for the future of democracy when 85 individuals control more wealth than 3.5 billion people, if you are alarmed at the influence of this wealth on politics (to the point where a single individual can bankroll an entire presidential campaign, then you are a Nazi.

No further discussion necessary.

A few individuals have vandalized buses, therefore an entire subject is off limits.

Comment Re:Might as well teach them Latin (Score 4, Interesting) 208

Understanding the 19th century telegraph system helps understand our current global internet.

I found "The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century's On-Line Pioneers" a fascinating read, amazing what was done 150 years ago.

Here is a quote from the Wikipedia article:

The book describes to general readers how some of the uses of telegraph in commercial, military, and social communication were, in a sense, analogous to modern uses of the internet. A few rather unusual stories are related, about couples who fell in love and even married over the wires, criminals who were caught through the telegraph, and so on.

The culture which developed between telegraph operators also had some rather unexpected affinities with the modern Internet. Both cultures made or make use of complex text coding and abbreviated language slang, both required network security experts, and both attracted criminals who used the networks to commit fraud, hack private communications, and send unwanted messages.

We had e-commerce (code books for secure banking transaction via telegraph), hackers, and skilled technical workers with their own language and culture.

Telegraph operators even had their own equivalent to cell-phone text message abbreviations.

Comment Re:First world problems (Score 2) 90

I bet many parts of the fridge were made in the PRC, a country formerly renowned for large numbers of starving and hungry people.

First world hipsters buying IP-enabled fridges have allowed many of those formerly staring Chinese peasants to become part of the world's middle class.

Comment Re:Math, do it. (Score 1) 1043

Isn't it immoral to starve people when you don't need to?

I think that you will hear the counter argument that it is immoral to tax some people to provide subsidized food to others. That not having enough money to buy adequate food is due solely to bad\personal choices that government has no business re-mediating.

The argument is that people who make the wrong choices did so freely, and deserve to go hungry or die.

Comment Not true (Score 1) 285

The rate of social mobility in the US is the second lowest in the industrialized world (after the UK). Many poorer, developing countries actually have higher rates of upward mobility:
"Social immobility erodes the American dream", Washington Post
"The Myth of the American Dream", CNN

This, combined with the highest income inequality in the industrialized world, is the legacy of 40 years of anti-government policies, breaking trade unions, and reducing taxes on the wealthy.

The roll-back of the New Deal has produced this, not the imposition of whatever you call "socialism"

Comment Re:Study is flawed -- compares cities to countries (Score 1) 263

"They also have greater economic freedoms..."

At the expense of those freedoms that matter to most people:

The Economist Intelligence Unit classifies Singapore as a "hybrid" country, with authoritarian and democratic elements. Freedom House does not consider Singapore an "electoral democracy" and ranks the country as "partly free". Reporters Without Borders ranked Singapore 140th out of 167 countries in its 2005 Press Freedom Index.[2]

It has also been alleged that the PAP employs censorship, gerrymandering and the filing of civil suits against the opposition for libel or slander to impede their success. Several former and present members of the opposition, including Francis Seow, J.B. Jeyaretnam and Chee Soon Juan perceive the Singaporean courts as favourable towards the government and the PAP due to a lack of separation of powers. There are however three cases in which opposition leader Chiam See Tong sued PAP ministers for defamation and successfully obtained damages before trial.[3] ... ...the PAP has also consistently rejected liberal democratic values, which it typifies as Western and states that there should not be a 'one-size-fits-all' solution to a democracy. Laws restricting the freedom of speech are justified by claims that they are intended to prohibit speech that may breed ill will or cause disharmony within Singapore's multiracial, multi-religious society. For example, in September 2005, three bloggers were convicted of sedition for posting racist remarks targeting minorities.[7] Some offences can lead to heavy fines or caning and there are laws which allow capital punishment in Singapore for first-degree murder and drug trafficking. Amnesty International has criticised Singapore for having "possibly the highest execution rate in the world" per capita.[8]

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