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Comment Re:Do most of the work? (Score 1) 443

Or you could use an IDE that won't mess up because your forgot to add a ? in the middle of your pattern. You can use an IDE that support multi-file undo, so it doesn't take 2 hours to sort out the mess. i.e. you could actually be productive instead of retarded.

Comment Re:Can I turn features off? (Score 1) 443

In Xcode - cmd-A following by ctrl-I. Re-indents based on the built-in rules. No, they aren't configurable, but at least you know every Xcode user will see the same thing.

Other IDEs have the same sort of feature.

If you require your own idiosyncratic style, God help the poor fools who have to work with you.

Comment Re:There can be only one. (Score -1, Flamebait) 443

Really? You must not do much real-world programming then. Working on command line utilities in your spare time doesn't count. I can count on one hand the number of developers I know who are competent with either, and I know plenty of competent programmers. Basically, your assumption smells like the shit hole you crapped it out of.

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