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Journal Journal: Stem Cell-derived bone tissue closes skull injury

The American Society for Cell Biology reports "There are mice in Baltimore whose skulls were made whole again by bone tissue grown from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Healing critical-size defects (defects that would not otherwise heal on their own) in intramembraneous bone, the flat bone type that forms the skull, is a vivid demonstration of new techniques devised by researchers at John Hopkins University to
User Journal

Journal Journal: Viola/Voila distinction 2

Just to make it clear.

Main Entry: 2viola
Pronunciation: vE-'O-l&
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian & Spanish, viol, viola, from Old Provençal, viol
Date: circa 1724
: a musical instrument of the violin family that is intermediate in size and compass between the violin and cello and is tuned a fifth below the violin
- violist /-list/ noun

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