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Comment Re:Of course (Score 5, Informative) 308

Why the fuck do people keep on mentioning Thorium reactors? They still produce fission products. And fission products are the only thing that nuclear reactors need to protect against releasing to the public. Fission products are also statistically determined. You will always get short medium and long term radionuclides even if you burn up some.

There are benefits to Thorium reactors, but in a major accident they will still release enough highly radioactive substances that will require evacuation and quarantine of the affected area for decades. Yes, a thorium reactor can still meltdown, it still has decay heat, and it would require complex engineered safeguards to protect it.

You do realize that EXISTING thorium reactor designs -

1. Do not need water as coolant (hence no high pressure evironment and much smaller)
2. As designed will shutdown on their own with no outside intervention.
3. As designed they can't "overheat".

"Best results occur with molten salt reactors (MSRs), such as ORNL's liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR), which have built-in negative-feedback reaction rates due to salt expansion and thus reactor throttling via load. This is a great safety advantage, since no emergency cooling system is needed, which is both expensive and adds thermal inefficiency. In fact, an MSR was chosen as the base design for the 1960s DoD nuclear aircraft largely because of its great safety advantages, even under aircraft maneuvering. In the basic design, an MSR generates heat at higher temperatures, continuously, and without refuelling shutdowns, so it can provide hot air to a more efficient (Brayton Cycle) turbine. An MSR run this way is about 30% better in thermal efficiency than common thermal plants, whether combustive or traditional solid-fuelled nuclear.[27]"


4. The US has a metric fuckton of thorium in it's coal deposits.

Comment Re:Scary (Score 1) 447

And not real money.

Gold is no more "real money" than anything else. The only value gold has is what people think it's worth, just like regular dollars.

We need to get back to sound money that "connects" to something of constant value, like gold or land.

No, we don't.

YES we do.
The ability of government to fund policy by the creation of new money invites corruption at the highest level. Hence the rise of ongoing deficit spending.

1 Votes are essentially "bought" for unfunded social and military spending through lobbying.
2 Politicians then pass unbalanced budgets bringing this new currency into being.
3 The lobbyists who are essentially the beneficiaries of #2 above then fund election campaigns for said politicians.
4. go to step 1 and repeat.

Comment Re:Scary (Score 1) 447

"Second lesson: The "devaluation" that you speak of is called inflation. Yes, over time an individual dollar is worth less. We also make more of these dollars for our time. This is not some giant conspiracy."


First Lesson - a program of CONSTANT Inflation is in effect a recurring tax upon saved capital. E.G. I am already taxed on wages, inflation then continuously erodes the value of those savings. And don't give me the "put it in the bank" BS because interest earned on deposits is LESS than inflation so I would in effect be losing value by depositing it.

Second Lesson - Since these new dollars are brought into being to fund government deficit spending and benefit the federal reserve banks as well. I'd say yeah there is indeed a "conspiracy". Both people in government and banking are WELL AWARE of the game, who it benefits and how.

Third Lesson - A powerful argument for using gold as a medium of exchange is primarily based upon the idea that it removes the ability of the government to continue deficit spending via inflation as they cannot easily create gold (as opposed to fiat currency). Value is based upon supply, demand and time preference.

When government is given the ability to create money political corruption necessarily follows. I.E. the power to "create" wealth attracts people and lobbyists
who then fund the politicians providing them said wealth.

Your argument that using gold as a medium of exchange is a return to a barter system is invalid. I could make the same argument that trading little green pieces of paper for goods or services does the same thing. E.G. bartering paper for goods instead of gold.

Last lesson - The dollar was backed by gold up until Nixon severed the last remaining ties in the 70's Why did he do this? because other countries were redeeming our currency and demanding the gold it was backed by. Since then government spending has essentially been from from any restraint as there
is no inherent limiting factor upon the emission of money. The only real limit to the debasement will be the destruction of the nation and/or world economy.

Comment Nullify! Jury Nullification (Score 5, Insightful) 897

Not only demands for Jury Trials -

Occupy should start the Nullify movement - E.G. if you are on a jury refuse to return a guilty verdict for victimless BS charges.

It is your right and DUTY to judge not only guilt or innocence but also the merit of the law itself.
Fully Informed Jury Association -


Comment Re:Consider me fired. (Score -1, Redundant) 1271

Ja, Ve should all accept some risk for ze Vaterland.....

Let's make it a law because after all we wouldn't want people to believe they own their OWN bodies, and actually have the temerity to say what does or does not go into it.

BTW besides the despicable ideals that you are espousing there is also a flaw in logic -

I.E. if someone else was to get sick via a non-vaccinated person then in theory they were also NOT vaccinated. Hence they only people suffering would be those who chose not to get the shot.

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