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User Journal

Journal Journal: IITA 3

I hate it when people say "RTFA".. especially if you did, even more if they are completely wrong. Pisses me off to no end.

Everyone should just say IITA (It's in the article). Means basically the same thing, less likely to piss people off, and you don't sound like a penis if they did read the fucking article and actually understood the implications better than you did.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Offtopic Distro Pluggin 4

First the Red Hat zealots came for me,
and I said nothing because I didn't want to run a commercialized distro
Then the Gentoo zealots came for me,
and I said nothing because I didn't want to compile everything
Then the OS X zealots came for me,
and I said nothing because I won't pay for overpriced hardware
Finally the Ubuntu zealots came for me,
and everyone was so sick of offtopic zealotry that no one spoke up at all.

Seriously though, I really don't have any opinion one way or another on Ubuntu itself. It sounds nice enough, even if it does break compatibility with Debian in an seemingly unnecessary way. Ubuntusers are driving me up a wall with their constant proselytizing though.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Slapped by Utbuntusers 2

The Ubuntusers have mod smacked me for saying it's a distro for those too stupid to use Debian. It's kind of amusing they would go as far as modding back through my posting history to completely unrelated stories.

Looks like Ubuntu is the New Gentoo (tm).

We'll all have to go back and rewrite all those gentoo zealot jokes... :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Chertoffed

chertoff, chertoffed, chertoffing - To provide something in too small quantity and/or too late to matter.

Example Sentence:
I was going to get gas but I ran out on the way there. I guess I really chertoffed.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Must Have 1

Odd as it may seem, laying audio cables on an artificial fiber carpet will immediately dull the sound of your stereo. And that's true for all cables, not just our Clearview wires. Unfortunately, the carpet is a huge mass of low quality insulation (dielectric). It absorbs and smears energy from the field around the wire. The effect is pretty grim, making music sound both dulled and harsh. A simple ear-tested solution is to raise the cables off the carpet by at least 8 inches. That's exactly what our maple Triad does.


Well, at least they are only ripping people off for $40, unlike the $500 knobs we all saw.

User Journal

Journal Journal: New Coke 11

I predict when the pope dies they will come out with "new pope" but no one will like it, so then they will bring back "pope classic" and people will speculate if the whole thing was a marketing ploy or not.

BTW-Anyone figure out what "Fake ghostlike photons!" anagrams to yet?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Coke 1

Many people are used to hearing about murders in Colombia related to coke. But this time we aren't talking about the white stuff.

That's right, Coca-Cola has been accused of terrible abuses in Colombia, conspiring with the paramilitary forces to help them break unions at any cost.

Killer Coke
The Nation Coverage

As you all know, I'm not one to support unions, at least not US unions. As a Libertarian however, coersion of this sort goes against my grain.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Experience with Ubuntu 1

Sooo I thought I might try the interracial nudity Linux distro.

I go to their site, only to find there is no east coast US mirror, indeed, there's only one US mirror period. I try it. 20K/sec. On our new T3. So I try several other mirrors, and the most I get is 50K/sec. Shitty.

I notice there is a torrent file. I get the amd64 "warty" torrent file. I run bittorrent. 0 seeds. It's now 5 hours later. Still 0 seeds, still 0 progress.

Call me back when you have a "distribution system" for your so-called distro Ubuntu, until then, I'll stick with more available distros.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Need advice on networking.

We are in the process of installing a T3 at work. The traditional CSU/DSU+Cisco junk route is about $10,000.

We currently have an excellent Sangoma WanPCI T1 card in our linux router, and I couldn't be happier with it. They don't seem to make T3 products though. So I'd rather just terminate the thing directly into a linux box, more flexible, and cheaper.

I've found the SBE wanPCI-T3 thing, but contacting their "official retailer" for non-OEM US sales, was, frankly, pointless. They didn't know what it was at first, and then they said they would have to get back to me. They didn't. CDW doesn't carry it, can't get it. Same story everywhere I look.

It looks like SBE bought Lanmedia which used to make several excellent cards of this type, all with drivers in the linux kernel main tree. SBE seems to be totally screwing it up too. I don't even know if the oldish LMC kernel drivers will support the newer SBE cards.

Anyway, I've also looked at the option to use an external Adtran T3SU CSU/DSU along with a Linux HSSI card to interface it with. Running into the same problem locating an HSSI card with good open source linux support.

I did find Emerging Technologies, and they have a linux supported HSSI card that looks great, except for this little line of bullshit:

"We wrote the drivers for the products we sell, and we fully support them. Our competitors use public code, so if you have problems you are on your own. And since they didn't write it they may not be able to fix whats wrong."

That seems to imply closed source kernel modules, something I really hate to deal with.

So anyway, I need help. I've been searching on and off for weeks on this, but information is sparse.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Environmental "Illness"

I head heard of these people, but seeing is believing.

It's amazing the kinds of pseudoscience that people will believe in to shirk personal responsibility for their actions or lack thereof.


Journal Journal: Libertarian: Yes, Union: No 4

Recently I've picked up a new raft of foes for posting some anti-union flamebait. Some questioned how a free-market Libertarian could be against labor unions.

While people do have a right to free speech, and free association, those rights are limited in some cases. An example, collusion is illegal. Even though people that run companies have a right to free association, that doesn't give them a right to form an alliance to fix prices.

Some Libertarians see nothing wrong with monopolies or collusion, but that doesn't seem like much of a free market to me. Free markets are about rational choices that bring mutual benefit. If there's no choice, there's no free market.

So you might see where I'm going with this. If labor unions are allowed to form, and protected under the law, it's basically putting a blessing on the monopolization and collusion of labor.

Workers sell thier labor to the companies they work for. Allowing them to practice price fixing, bundling, supplier lock-in.. Those things are most definitely not free market ideas.

In the end, everyone loses as unions drive companies out of business that can no longer compete with companies not crippled by unions.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Badnarik Results Ignored by Media 1

This is unbelievable. Nader has about 80,000 votes nationwide as of now, and I clicked details on 5 states and counted over 50,000 votes for Badnarik... I'm sure he's well over 300,000 nationwide right now.

Yet, no summary line on the main page of CNN for Badnarik... no it'd be wrong to cover candidates that actually matter, rather than Nader, who has made himself irrelevant.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Jerry Falwell at it again. is reporting that Rev. Jerry Falwell is again using his allegedly trademarked name to force to change their name. Slashdot has previously reported on his claims that his name is trademarked. U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton agreed with Falwell, and ordered the site to change its name. is a site that bashes Falwell on his views toward homosexuality, and clearly disclaims any association with Jerry Falwell's ministries.

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