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Comment Re:Camer was owned by the school (Score 5, Informative) 379

The school owned the camera he used. Therefore all work from that camera belongs to the school.

No. It does not work like that. If you borrow my guitar and write a hit song, it's your song, the copyright is yours. If you borrow my camera and take a Pulitzer-winning photo, it's your photo, the copyright is yours. Copyright goes to the creator of a work, not to the owner of any tools incidental to the creation.

Comment Re:Happens all the time in California... (Score 2) 124

and some other tiny details, such as not having a handicapped shower open to the public

What kind of business is required to have showers?

...then got stung again a year later because even though he had plenty of handicapped parking... and he only had one handicapped spot...

You have an odd definition of "plenty".

He closed up shop, and now has an antique shop in rural Texas, and making far better cash there.

If his problem in CA was with the federal ADA, that law doesn't change in TX. (The various fringe theories of some Texans notwithstanding.)

Comment Re:All about tha Benjamins (Score 5, Insightful) 143

General skills, aka the ability to succeed in society without reverting to drug abuse, are considered when a company is hiring.

Chemcial tests can't tell whether a person is absuing drugs, only if they are using them. (It is a prohibitionist fiction that the use of certain drugs is inherently abuse.)

If the only way you can tell whether someone is using drugs is through chemical tests, ipso facto it is not affecting their performance on the job.

Comment Re:Fear of the West? (Score 1) 268

I was answering why they don't just invalidate the patents and copy a modern CPU, and the answer is that the patents aren't the reason they're hard to copy. Intel (and others) don't patent their most critical secrets.

I completely agree they have the technology to build older designs, which is just fine. They can then decide whether the investment to upgrade is worth it to them or not.

Comment Re:What I want to know is (Score 1) 184

The chance is the same AFR of the rest of the product, but yes, it's very small.

Your worst case is that you cycle your SSD to 100% of its capability (which basically no user does anyway) inside a freezer, then put it on your dashboard as you park your black-on-black sports car in death valley for a 6 month hiking trip.

If you're not doing all 3 of those things simultaneously I wouldn't worry.

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