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XBox (Games)

Submission + - Xbox Live users suffering hacked accounts, FIFA 11 (arstechnica.com)

tomstockmail writes: Ars Technica has received a number of reports from Xbox Live customers complaining about hacked accounts, unauthorized purchases, and a slow response from Microsoft itself. The pattern is weirdly specific: gamers notice that unauthorized purchases have been made using their credit card information or existing points, and FIFA Soccer 11 or 12 has been played on their account.

Update: Microsoft has sent us the following statement:

“We do not have any evidence the Xbox LIVE service has been compromised. We take the security of our service seriously and work on an ongoing basis to improve it against evolving threats. However, a limited number of members have contacted us regarding unauthorized access to their accounts by outside individuals. We are working with our impacted members directly to resolve any unauthorized changes to their accounts. As always, we highly recommend our members follow the Xbox LIVE Account Security guidance provided at www.xbox.com/security to protect your account."

A thread on Reddit has a few unreliable confirmations:

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