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Comment Re:Schwab - max 8 chars! (Score 1) 271

I was wondering about this. If an entity restricts password length then does that indicate that they are keeping the passwords in clear text? Let me make that clearer - if the company is salting and hashing the password would there be any reason whatsoever (going back to legacy systems here) for them to limit either character length or character (eg: no special characters)

Comment Re: thank god for mississippi (Score 1) 297

As far as I know (not being a constitutional lawyer) the first amendment provision that against establishing a state religion is not the same thing is different. You can't say that someone must be (or must not be) a Methodist, or Baptist, or Sunni or whatever. That is different from believing or not believing in a deity.

I'm a pastafarian myself so I'm cool with that.

Comment Re: It was the press coverage that was the disaste (Score 1) 76

I don't think you know what conservative means. (And yes the previous guy sounds racist; and yes there will be a black,brown,yellow, red or green presidents within the next 50 yrs - if not 20).

Conservatives - whether you like them or not - have been opposed to increasing Federal power (as opposed to the States). This doesn't mean that people, such as myself, who are opposed to Imperial Washington are Conservative. But to say that Obama is Conservative is ridiculous.

Comment Re:"Free Market" religion (Score 2) 182

Yes. It will make their life easier. A short term gain - at what price? Consolidating even more power in Imperial Washington and reducing the only real check and balance to the federal leviathan - the states. I'm not saying that states automatically do things better than the Federal Govt - they obviously don't. But continual chipping away at the power of states and placing it in Washington is something to be concerned about. And what are we doing it for - to make it easier for Google to lay fiber and gain more customers.

Comment Re:"Free Market" religion (Score 1) 182

So Big Brother regulation breeds competition? I'm not saying the republicans (especially those in power) are for free markets but what makes you possibly think that FCC regulation would lead to more competition? The problem is in state regulation - and you think Federal legislation will magically solve the problem? Or do you think - perhaps it will lead to more centralized control, a more centralized bureaucracy that creates another "too big to fail" monstrosity.

Trading dozens of poorly run state systems with one huge system is not going to help.

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