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Journal Journal: Circular Refuge on reddit 5

It's a happening place. There are upwards of 3, maybe 4 posts a day!
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Comment Re: They're infringing my Second-Amendment drone r (Score 1) 268

Amendment II: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. -- It's very clear and there is little room for interpretation here. But as we all know, the constitution is a lot like the bible, everyone has his or her own take! Charles Bukowski said it best, “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

Comment Re:Wind chill on a space suit? (Score 1) 110

It is likely that Arthur C. Clarke, the co-author of Space Odyssey, was the one who was right on the science for that bit of plot. Since he also did things like invent the idea for communication satellites and was a member of the British Interplanetary Society, it was likely on his capable shoulders that making the scene realistic fell. It would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall as that scene came together, with a great cinematic genius working with somebody explaining the harsh realities of microgravity, explosive decompression (and the velocity that causes Bowman to bounce around), and the very limited window of time in which the human body could get back into the airlock and survive. Then scripting, filming, and editing it together to convey that committed step leading to frantic, chaotic urgency.

The whole movie is a great example of collaboration. It sure wound up as one of the more memorable scenes in a movie packed with memorable scenes.

Comment Re:term limits don't matter (Score 2) 247

Bingo. If there are millions of dollars in subsidies at stake or a multi-million dollar firm, paying a bunch of lawyers to take a bunch of lawyer-politicians to dinner and on vacations.

Force Congress to work securely from their respective state houses (make the lobbyists travel if they want to influence) and simplify the tax code (a recommendation of the President's Simpson-Bowles commission which only the GOP has embraced) and you'll go a long way to limit influence.

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