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Comment Re:I bet Infosys and Tata are dancing in the stree (Score 1) 186

The problem with this is not the way he did it - existing immigration laws have considerable latitude for the executive branch written in. The idea that this is illegal or unconstitutional is going to have a tough time getting through the courts.

The problem with this action is that it's only a temporary patch on the real immigration issues. Maybe it's the best possible for the next couple of years but the real problem is the politics that is preventing real reform. In particular a system that financial rewards the people taking the most extreme and intransigent positions more than moderates.

Comment Re:Unless Yes (Score 1) 706

Uh the government has always been in control of the internet, from day 1 when some dude at DARPA decided to fund it.

What is happening now is because companies are trying to rip it out of public hands and run it like they do many other dystopian services like say airlines and wireless telephony - pay through the nose for miserable service in an environment where there is a choice between a small number of service providers all of which are doing their best to rip you a new one.

It's true that government is incompetent - however you don't realize that this incompetence takes the guise of regulatory capture, oligopolies and corrupt politics.

Comment Enjoy it while you can (Score 2) 334

Many geologists claim that the amount of oil recoverable from shale deposits is vastly overestimated by shale oil entrepreneurs. Early this year the EIA decreased their estimate of the oil recoverable from the Monterey shale formation by 96 percent. Certainly there is a large discrepancy between reserves claimed in SEC filings vs. that claimed in public statements.

I wonder if there is a self-interest in operation here?

If the SEC filings are correct we only have a few years of oil from shale in our future. Production will be well into decline by the end of the decade.

If you have a long term market outlook it's something to think about....

Comment Summary is hogwash (Score 4, Informative) 271

In the article is the statement:

"McDougall said the customer is required to sign a form acknowledging there's a GPS unit in their vehicle. If the car buyer tries to remove it, the dealer is alerted."

Thus it seems likely maybe the perp was informed about the tracking device.

Now the task is to find a hole deep and dark enough for this vile predator.

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
