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Comment Re:Reconciling faith with science (Score 1) 305

You are so far off base, that you're making an ass out of yourself. First of all, I'm in no way religious. The only times I've been to a church in my adult life are for weddings and funerals. Politically, I'm only fiscally on the right, but not when it comes to social issues. So, not what I've corrected your ASSumptions, when it comes to rewriting history, WTF are you talking about?

Comment Re:*I* own my overtime (Score 1) 381

Now you're stretching. I look over every resume for the requisitions I post. And certainly we get a share that are unqualified, but plenty who are. And, I'm typically looking for engineers with specific skills and certs.

Comment Re:Why such short employment (Score 1) 381

What you fail to realize is that it's all about finding the right company/boss to work for. And yes, if you don't like your boss, you should move on. But, if you've jumped through a half dozen jobs, in as many years, it's likely you that have issues, and not the boss/company. 0-3% raises are not the norm (though there have been a couple years where sub 3% was the average with us). If that's what you've been getting, it's likely you that have issues.

Comment Re:I Do (Score 1) 381

$100/hr for SW dev is chicken fee. Someone who makes $100k/yr., or roughly $48/hr. is typically billed to a customer at around $150/hr. Realize that there a a lot of things that go into that figure, right down to the cost of keeping the lights on. If you're not paying those expenses as a contractor, you might not be able to negotiate a fee at that same figure.

Comment Re:Why such short employment (Score 1) 381

I'm in agreement with the parent here. Typically when we see a resume with someone job hopping as ShangaiBill suggests, they won't even get an interview here. I'm not going to hire someone, and invest my time with them, if I think they're likely to leave soon afterward. I realize that people need to do what's best for them. But, as a manager, I take care of my people, and it's a two way street in regards to commitment. If you've shown that you're one of those who's going to take that investment to a direct competitor, I'm not going to waste my time with you.

Comment Re:*I* own my overtime (Score 2) 381

We often pay people for training, but that comes with a commitment to stay with the company for a period or reimburse the costs. It may still be more lucrative for the employee to leave, but for us, we often attempt to determine if the employee's value has increased based upon that degree/certification. It's not difficult to deal with.

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