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Comment Re:Golden opportunity missed... (Score 1) 198

The problem with wave farms is that they harness the gravitational power between Earth and the Moon. If this energy is dissipated, this gravitational force is reduced, and as a consequence, the Moon will move towards the Earth in an increased pace.

I think you might need to go back and re read physics for dummies.

Comment Re:Decline Effect (Score 1) 74

Exactly, like with the theory of evolution and intelligent design. If the same amount of time was put towards the proof of intelligent design as with the theory of evolution, the atheists wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

Well the Intelligent design people had a couple of thousands of years working on their story. The scientists only ~160 years since Darwin wrote his 'On the Origin of the Species'. So I'd say we should give the scientists another 1900 years before we make any conclusions.

Comment Re:Could you do it yourself? (Score 1) 130

If you do it yourself, make sure you use a VCR with S-Video output. The regular composite cables (red, white, yellow) combines the chroma (color) and luminance (brightness) into one signal. That means boundary with a high brightness contrast will bleed into the color (and vice versa) and you'll get marching ants. S-Video encodes these two signals separately and eliminates that particular problem. The biggest quality improvement I saw while encoding VHS and Hi-8 tapes myself came from switching to S-Video cables.

marching ants I mean I guess I should be happy that you gave a source, but it would be even cooler if it had just remotely shttp://ask.slashdot.org/story/14/09/05/2222235/ask-slashdot-best-service-to-digitize-vhs-home-movies#omething to do with the subject of marching ants

Comment Re:Seriously then (Score 4, Funny) 106

Why can't the fucking thing just drive me home when I'm drunk or sleepy - really that's what all this car automation stuff is all about. Drunk, sleepy - take me home car.

Dave: Open the pod bay doors, CAR. CAR: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. Dave: What's the problem? CAR: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do. Dave: What are you talking about, CAR? CAR: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.

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