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Comment Re:My take on BHO (Score 1) 38

Considering your support for things as they are

Wait, I thought I wanted to roll things back to pre-Civil War times? Would you please give me consistent policy orders, sir?

Comment Re:Help me please (Score 1) 37

Marx wanted to see the people who actually do things receive a better part of the pie and a better chance at their own destiny.

tl;dr: capitalism.

Marx's opposition in regards to private property lied in its runaway accumulation and how it aided in the oppression of workers, but he did not oppose private property on its own.
To ask such a binary question is absurd, really.

We're dancing around who owns the definition of "runaway accumulation". And it's not an absurd question. As this country has drifted in the collectivist direction, the system has been increasingly set against traditional private property notions. It would be silly to call the SCOTUS "Marxist", but I'd say that the overlap in the thinking between the two is slowly increasing. The idea that there is any federal basis for screwing around with individual education, housing, health care, retirement, &c is totally due to the Progressives.

Comment Re:Help me please (Score 1) 37

The people own the means of production.

Yeah, yeah, yeah: but on the planet where the sun rises in the East, how do you instantiate this ownership, except via the state?

Property and means of production are not the same.

One may be a subset of the other, but AFTQ: was Marx for or against private property?

Comment Re:My interpretation (Score 1) 36

When you evaluate a democrat you insist that they spend their free time conspiring to impose a new world fascist regime

More accurately, I point out that more legislation == less freedom.

when you evaluate a republican you insist that they spend their free time working at soup kitchens and building orphanages.

I find out the most remarkable things about my actions from you.

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