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Comment Re:Sensory deprivation tanks (Score 1) 332

I actually went for 5 days without sleep and the hallucinations started by that last day. I was seeing this same old man seemingly follow me around. I would feel invisible people watching me, it was not a good experience. I felt like crap through most of it like a full body fuzzy feeling. After day 3, i couldn't really get sleepy. It was interesting but the day after I finally slept was the most painful. I wouldn't do that again for sure.

Comment Re:Maybe won't make any difference (Score 1) 142

This is what I was thinking. We will evolve ourselves into machines and I guess we could always maintain DNA cultures and grow bodies if we need. I just wonder what would become of our humanity if we could do the Ghost In The Shell thing. It would mess with your mind to change bodies and basically be around indefinitely. Nothing is impossible, it's just not possible now. I can see humans as the Borg... taking over the universe like the plague we are on Earth :P

Comment Re:Obvious question (Score 3, Interesting) 210

Not that I remember. It was rough for the first two days but by day 3 I just didn't feel like sleeping anymore. I watched TV or played games all night until people were alive again and continued on with my day. I was exhausted though both mentally and physically somehow. The day after I finally slept was probably the worst. Still no energy but now coupled with nausea and no appetite. It was like a withdrawal of some sort... not recommended :P
I already kick into REM sleep really fast as it is so when I was not sleeping, I would sort of dream while being awake. It's a crazy experience for sure.

Comment Re:Obvious question (Score 4, Interesting) 210

I went almost a week without sleep and it definitely screws you up. On day 5, I was hallucinating that there were people around me and seeing things out of the corner of my eye. I had a constant fuzzy feeling and had very little energy. It was an interesting experiment and it was not easy to get to sleep. It took me over a month to get back into a proper rhythm.

Comment Re:An Overarching Problem (Score 2) 497

Every military person I've known have done it for the free college money they give out. The military basically buys service with tax dollars. These kids don't generally go die for free and if they do it's because they were brainwashed into nationalistic American exceptionalism.

Working at the VA is a huge credit on anyone's resume, especially in the Neurology/Medical sciences field. It's hard to get in there but a huge bonus if you can claim that experience.

People are inherently selfish but I will admit there are a small percentage that do things because they mean well and desire nothing in return. A dying breed for sure.

Comment Re:PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS (Score 1) 682

Yup, that's why I spend as much time as possible with mine. I try my best to be friendly with the mother as now we are stuck in each other's lives forever so why not make the best of it.
People need to get over themselves and think about what's best for their little ones. If you can't put them first then you shouldn't have kids.

Comment Re:Bill to rein in NSA (Score 2) 238

Yea and when it fails to go anywhere, they can just say "oh well, we tried". Eventually the people might wake up and realize they haven't been in control for a very long time. Your vote means nothing and even if you replace one scumbag for another, they are all part of the same broken system. I'm guessing whoever runs the global network of federal banks is the real overlord.

They will eventually have to make a show that it's all shut down or controlled while just upping the secrecy level by creating an actual secret government agency. They already have secret courts so it's not that far a leap.

Submission + - Eight IT nightmares about iOS 7 -- and how to handle them (citeworld.com)

mattydread23 writes: IT workers are quivering in fear as hundreds or thousands of employees all prepare to download iOS 7 and updated apps at once. Here are eight things folks in the IT trenches are worrying about today, and how to address them, from writer Ryan Faas

Submission + - Linus Torvalds Admits He's Been Asked to Insert NSA Backdoor (eweek.com)

darthcamaro writes: At the Linuxcon conference in New Orleans today, Linus Torvalds joined fellow kernel developers in answering a barrage of questions about Linux development. One question he was asked was whether a government agency had ever asked about inserting a back-door into Linux.

Torvalds responded "no" while shaking his head "yes," as the audience broke into spontaneous laughter.

Torvalds also admitted that while he as a full life outside of Linux he couldn't imagine his life without it.

While Torvalds has a full life outside Linux, it is at the core of his existence, he said. "I don't see any project coming along being more interesting to me than Linux," Torvalds said. "I couldn't imagine filling the void in my life if I didn't have Linux." /blockquote.

Submission + - NSA Monitoring Inter-Bank Transfer and Credit Card Transactions

Jeremiah Cornelius writes: NSA surveillance of private financial activity is a big story in Europe, co-authored by Laura Poitras, the filmmaker who was first contacted by Edward Snowden for the release of his information. "Classified documents show that the intelligence agency has several means of accessing the internal data traffic of SWIFT, used by more than 8,000 banks worldwide for their international transactions. The NSA specifically targets other institutes on an individual basis. A document from the year 2011 clearly designates the SWIFT computer network as a "target." Late last week, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs said that the Americans should "immediately and precisely tell us what has happened, and put all the cards on the table." If it's true "that they share information with other agencies for purposes other than those outlined in the agreement we will have to consider ending the agreement."" NSA also has in-depth knowledge of the internal processes of credit card companies like Visa and MasterCard — as well the Internet currency Bitcoin.

Comment Re:Dell is toast (Score 1) 175

As a previous employee for over a decade, I was on the team that started their foray into "services" and you may have a point. MD will always want to develop his own software and use that in lieu of acquisitions of companies that actually know how to develop sw.
We tried using a Dell developed sw on a huge services client and it failed horribly nearly costing Dell the whole account. Acquiring Perot brings that knowledge to the table but the philosophies are so different between the two that it will take some time to figure out a middle-ground. The "it's not ready until it's 100%" approach of Perot vs the "80% is good enough, we need this now!" approach of Dell. Dell has a speed and it's always at the redline. (yay, car analogy!)

They will keep the enterprise business running strong as they can attach services at a premium. Consumer and SMB might be sold to whoever wants that nightmare and there may be solutions to provide virtual helpdesks but I doubt there will be any more laptops or PCs coming out.

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