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Comment Actually... (Score 5, Interesting) 356

so the early auto producers managed to get the US to redo all of it's roads.

Early auto producers exploited the decades of lobbying already done by cyclists.

Carlton Reid
19th century cyclists paved the way for modern motorists' roads
Car drivers assume the roads were built for them, but it was cyclists who first lobbied for flat roads more than 100 years ago

Wooden hobbyhorses evolved into velocipedes; velocipedes evolved into safety bicycles; safety bicycles evolved into automobiles.

It's well known that the automotive industry grew from seeds planted in the fertile soil that was the late 19th century bicycle market. And to many motorists it's back in the 19th century that bicycles belong. Cars are deemed to be modern; bicycles are Victorian.

Many motorists also assume that roads were built for them. In fact, cars are the johnny-come-latelies of highways.

The hard, flat road surfaces we take for granted are relatively new. Asphalt surfaces weren't widespread until the 1930s. So, are motorists to thank for this smoothness?

No. The improvement of roads was first lobbied for - and paid for - by cycling organisations.

In the UK and the US, cyclists lobbied for better road surfaces for a full 30 years before motoring organisations did the same. Cyclists were ahead of their time.

When railways took off from the 1840s, the coaching trade died, leaving roads almost unused and in poor condition. Cyclists were the first vehicle operators in a generation to go on long journeys, town to town. Cyclists helped save many roads from being grubbed up.

Roads in towns were sometimes well surfaced. Poor areas were cobbled; upmarket areas were covered in granite setts (what many localities call cobbles). Pretty much every other road was left unsurfaced and would be the colour of the local stone. Many 19th century authors waxed lyrical about the varied and beautiful colours of British roads.

Cyclists' organisations, such as Cyclists' Touring Club in the UK and League of American Wheelmen (LAW) in the US, lobbied county surveyors and politicians to build better roads. The US Good Roads movement, set up by LAW, was highly influential. LAW once had the then US president turn up at its annual general meeting.

The CTC individual in charge of the UK version of the Good Roads movement, William Rees Jeffreys, organised asphalt trials before cars became common. He took the reins of the Roads Improvement Association (RIA) in 1890, while working for the CTC.

He later became an arch motorist and the RIA morphed into a motoring organisation. Rees Jeffreys called for motorways in Britain 50 years prior to their introduction. But he never forgot his roots. In a 1949 book, Rees Jeffreys - described by former prime minister David Lloyd George as "the greatest authority on roads in the United Kingdom and one of the greatest in the whole world" â" wrote that cyclists paved the way, as it were, for motorists. Without the efforts of cyclists, he said, motorists would not have had as many roads to drive on. Lots of other authors in the early days of motoring said the same but this debt owed to cyclists by motorists is long forgotten.

The CTC created the RIA in 1885 and, in 1886, organised the first ever Roads Conference in Britain. With patronage - and cash - from aristocrats and royals, the CTC published influential pamphlets on road design and how to create better road surfaces. In some areas, county surveyors took this on board (some were CTC members) and started to improve their local roads.

Even though it was started and paid for by cyclists, the RIA stressed from its foundation that it was lobbying for better roads to be used by all, not just cyclists.

However, in 1896 everything changed. Motoring big-wigs lobbied for the Locomotives Amendment Act to be repealed. This act made a driver of a road locomotive drive very, very slowly and the vehicle had to be preceded by a man waving a red flag. When the act was jettisoned, speeds increased, automobilists demanded better road surfaces to go even faster on, and "scorchers" and "road hogs", terms first used against cyclists, took over the roads.

By the early 1900s most British motorists had forgotten about the debt they owed to prehistoric track builders, the Romans, turnpike trusts, John McAdam, Thomas Telford and bicyclists. Before even one road had been built with motorcars in mind (this wasn't to happen until the 1930s), motorists assumed the mantle of overlords of the road.

A satirical verse in Punch magazine of 1907 summed up this attitude from some drivers:

        "The roads were made for me; years ago they were made. Wise rulers saw me coming and made roads. Now that I am come they go on making roads - making them up. For I break things. Roads I break and Rules of the Road. Statutory limits were made for me. I break them. I break the dull silence of the country. Sometimes I break down, and thousands flock round me, so that I dislocate the traffic. But I am the Traffic."

At the time, the CTC had little inkling cyclists would soon be usurped. An editorial in the CTC Gazette of July 1896 admitted the "horseless carriage movement will make an irresistible advance" and asked members whether motorists should be admitted to membership. Such a move was declined by members but cyclists were later instrumental in the foundation of the Automobile Association, an organisation created to foil police speed traps.

Motoring and cycling soon developed in very different directions and by the 1950s it was clear the future was to be one of mass ownership of cars. Car mileage increased, roads were now always designed with motors in mind, and, rider by rider, cyclists - once dominant on Britain's roads - started to disappear. In the evolutionary timeline of hobbyhorse-to-velocipide-to-bicycle-to-automobile, the riding of bicycles should have been all but extinguished by the 1970s. Town planners certainly thought that way, and declined to design for anything other than motorcars.

But there's a problem with mass car ownership: there's not enough space to put them all. Gridlock is the unforeseen outcome of planning solely for cars. When a city grinds to a halt, that's money down the drain. Cities are waking up to the fact that unrestrained car use is bad for people, and bad for the local economy. Unrestrained car use leads to ugly cities.

Now, the cities that first woke up to this are the bicycle-friendly cities beloved by cycle campaigners.

Towns and cities that design for people, not machines, will be the most progressive of the next 150 years, the towns and cities where people will most want to live, work and play. Far from being a 19th century anachronism, the bicycle is fast becoming a symbol of urban modernity, and cyclists are again at the vanguard of making cities better places. Cyclists have always been ahead of their time.

- Carlton Reid is executive editor of cycling trade magazine BikeBiz and is writing a book on cyclists' contribution to better roads. He has received writing grants from the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund and the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation

Comment Fact doesn't have to make sense... (Score 3, Insightful) 246

...only fiction. Like that "Feral Kid" theory.

Fact on the other hand is that the Director/Writer of ALL MAD MAX MOVIES, George Miller... doesn't give much fuck about continuity.

You know that character in the MM2 played by Bruce Spence, the gyrocopter pilot? Who ends up going with the convoy to the North and becoming the chief of the "Great Northern Tribe" at the end of the second movie?
Not the same character as Jedediah the pilot in the third movie, THOUGH he's also played by Bruce Spence and also has an aircraft and is a pilot.

George Miller doesn't give much fuck about continuity.

Comment Re:You're missing the point. Reread the post. (Score 1) 133

The first thing I do when I arrive at any remote office today is plug the laptop in

Then obviously, the selling point of "thinnest and lightest" is not aimed at you.
You are carrying ADDITIONAL hardware. Probably even in a bag of some kind.

"Thinnest and lightest" (which is the cause of the whole non-replaceable battery thing) is aimed at people trying to dazzle their clients with toys - and crawling under the desk to plug in the cord does not count.
They WILL have to throw it out.
You on the other hand might even try to connect it to an additional external battery of some sorts.
And it might work.

But that still makes that laptop an overpriced and badly designed toy whose major component will die in a couple of years, without a way to replace or restore it.

Comment Re:Cyanide is a natural material too... (Score 1) 247

I'm not suffering from the 'natural is good' delusion;

Followed by...

natural substances have been around for a long time, so nature has had time to adjust to them.

That is EXACTLY an example of appeal to nature with added appeal to tradition on top of it.

Petrochemicals have been around for a long time too and are also PERFECTLY NATURAL substances.
Oil comes from nature. A great part of it from - HA! - the sea.
Plastics are nothing but petrochemicals. See?

Who are we to argue with nature? Nature wants plastics. And oil spills. And ice ages. And tectonic shifts.
Even asteroids slamming into the planet and killing nearly everyone on it. Nature just LOVES THOSE!

Whatever harm plastic may cause, we are not liekly to have a good defence against it

And that is both appeal to fear AND appeal to ignorance.
"We don't know - therefore it must be bad."

Also, it is shifting the goalposts cause now it is "we" and not "nature" who are in trouble.
And if that is the only problem... solution for all plastic everywhere is very simple.
Dump it all in the ocean and don't eat the fish if you're queasy about a little plastic getting in your system that way.
There. "We" no longer have a problem.

Comment Not same prices. Cheaper. (Score 1) 201

Remove the licenses for other taxi companies, and they will offer the same price as Uber.

Those companies already got the cars, trained drivers, a complete support network, decades of experience...
They would bury Uber in any case where they would be allowed to play by the same rules.

Hell... they could probably forgo on the whole "mobile app" thing.
Calling a dispatcher and getting assigned and forwarded the closest car is nothing particularly innovative and has worked since... well since one was able to use a phone to call a taxi.
No need for GPS or touch screen or whatever...

Hell... call it a feature. "Retro-Taxi". For all the hipsters out there.

Comment You're missing the point. Reread the post. (Score 1) 133

A bit harder to transport to a client's office, though.

Do you want to dance the extension cord dance at your client's office?

I'm talking about a situation few years down the road where supposedly thinnest and lightest workstation turns into a stationary object which has to be constantly powered from the mains.
And all over a few millimeters and grams of style over functionality.
Making a $2000+ machine useless as far as its main feature (portability) is concerned - when a $50 dollar replaceable part could give one decades of work and hand-me-down use.

Comment Re:You can replace Windows... But not the battery. (Score 1) 133

And had your mom stuck to being fucked in the ass and giving blowjobs to sailors she would have had enough strength to choke you in the toilet where you were plunked out instead of just choking you enough to produce a thoroughly mentally retarded bastard like you.

Comment Re:You can replace Windows... But not the battery. (Score 1) 133

Still not user serviceable for a simple task of replacing a battery on something that should be a workSTATION.
A stationary object used for work.
Where those extra 3-4 mm of thickness and 50-100 grams saved mean somewhere between bupkis and diddlysquat.

So one can chuck that $2000+ "workstation" into the bin in 3 years as the size of the battery does not matter when it comes to the heat-degradation.
It's how many times and how often its cells hit the "overheating" limit, causing them to shrink in capacity to under that limit.

At which point it COULD be made into a cabled-down machine with enough minutes on the battery to MAYBE save the project one is working on in the case of a power outage.
But if it is cable-only in 3 years (or maybe sooner if one likes draining the battery to the core and charging it on a bed under a blanket) - who gives a fuck about how slim or light it is?

One can buy a far better desktop machine and a UPS for that money. And it would be user-serviceable and upgradeable.


Fucker is SO sensationalism-happy it's amazing he hasn't migrated to Gawker yet. They probably wouldn't take him cause he's too old for them.

Actual summed up numbers are overall positive. From TFS:

Extremely good: 24
On balance good: 28
That's 52% samzenpus, you fucking illiterate hack.

More or less neutral: 17
That's 69% who think it will be the same OR BETTER, you sensationalist troll.

On balance bad:13
Extremely bad (existential catastrophe): 18
That's a mere 31% (less than a third) who are into gloom and doom scenarios. You human cockroach samzenpus.

Oh and BTW...
Those negative numbers mostly come from "the 'theoretical' (PT-AI and AGI)" groups (with PT-AI leading in crying "The END is NIGH!") while those engaged in actual technical AI work gave mostly positive grades.
From TFA:

The participants of PT-AI are mostly theory-minded, mostly do not do technical work, and often have a critical view on large claims for easy progress in AI (Herbert Dreyfus was a keynote speaker in 2011).

But the best part is that out of 170 who responded to the survey (out of 549 queried), 115 (~67.6%) belonged to the more AI-critical group of PT-AI and AGI.
Meaning that EVEN AMONG GLOOM&DOOMERS, majority is NOT buying into gloom & doom scenario.

Which means that the summary is not even wrong.
Seriously, why hasn't anyone yet replaced samzenpus with a script? No advanced AI is needed in his case.

Comment You can replace Windows... But not the battery. (Score 2, Insightful) 133

From TFA:

Battery 61Whr (6-cell) non-replaceable

So, it is good that that "M3800 is the world's thinnest" mobile workstation, cause they can shove it up their asses with that policy of chasing the "looks" factor over functionality.

Which can be seen in the design of the keyboard as well.
It sits there centered, with HUGE empty spaces on both sides, and no dedicated numeric keys while navigation keys are down to very crammed arrow keys.

This is a glorified e-mail machine that you discard after 3 years.

Comment Cyanide is a natural material too... (Score 1) 247

Sand is a natural material, and the environment already knows how to deal with it.

Every time you get the urge to say "it's natural so it is OK" - REMEMBER CYANIDE.
Or Ebola. Or AIDS. Cancer too...

All perfectly natural.

Just like sulfuric acid - which is used to unclog pipes once they accumulate too much sand.
Or even "apricot shells and cocoa beans" suggested by the idiotic article.
Both of which soak up water, sink to the bottom and clog up pipes - calling for more perfectly natural chemicals to poured down the drain more often.

Comment Re:Meh... (Score 1) 247

Maybe you can try going to poor towns in West Virginia and tell them that they have to spend millions of dollars on new sewage treatment plants because of toothpaste and skin soap.

Lay off the appeal to the poor and other forms of appeal to emotion and look at your question again.

Then, consider that the article itself argues how California (due to its economy's size) banning this particular product (which article claims is being used because it is cheaper) will FORCE the industry to stop using it altogether.
Meaning that instead of "poow witwe tows iw Wewst Wiwviwia" (Isn't appeal to emotion retarded?) it will affect the economy of the ENTIRE USA and thus indirectly the world - because "estimated 38 tons of plastic pollution in California".

On the other hand...
Why are you OK with California influencing both world economy INCLUDING Wewst Wiwviwia evowowy (OK... I'll stop) in one dictatorial form - but not in another which would be ameliorated by various federal and state grants and caps based on quantity of produced/treated sewage, AFTER it gets voted in on a federal level?
How many poow wi... how many small towns outside California would be influenced by regulations for stricter filtration INSIDE California?
Which would produce cleaner water all-round, and not just from that one form of particles.

And really... California, the 10th economy by nominal GDP, IN THE WORLD, surpassing India and Canada, can't afford better treatment of its water - so it has to shift the cost of its inhabitants fear of plastic onto everyone else's wallets?

On a side note...
Can't wait until it dawns on Californians that glitter is made out of the same stuff, only covered with various shiny metals.
I wonder if they'll ban Mariah Carey?

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