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Comment Toyota called AGAIN (Score 2) 229

... to let you know that you're playing fast and loose with differing types of braking systems. Flywheel-based KERS, electric motor+battery regen braking, different things that are the same "in principle" only if your principle is "slow down with some mechanism besides direct generation of heat".

Further, nobody is bothering to read the article, is just taking the summary here at face value. But that's par for the course here. Nevermind.

Comment Really, again? Ignore this story. (Score 1) 572

Jesus Christ, here we go again. The International Space Station only has officially support from the entire international community through 2020. We JUST came to an agreement for the 10-year run from 2010 to 2020. As we get closer to the 2020 date, you can be sure that they will work to extend those agreements. This really is a non-story, but that doesn't stop breathless reporting like this from popping up every 6 months. Somebody else in this thread probably explained this better than I have time to, and if so please mod them up, or if no such other post then please mod me up :) And please mod down all the other yahoos kicking and screaming about the deorbiting. Worry not, it ain't happening.

Comment orders of magnitude (Score 1) 442

I am soo tired of the sensationalized stories surrounding Japan's "nuclear crisis." .... the containment units withstood a 9.0 quake which is many orders of magnitude greater than the design specified.

I am soo tired of sensationalized math. The reactor was designed for an 8.2 earthquake, and withstood (for the most part) a 9.0 earthquake. That isn't "many orders of magnitude" greater, that's about 6.3 times. You need to look up what "orders of magnitude" actually means -- and quit sensationalizing your math.

Comment They're not doing so bad for January 1994 (Score 3, Insightful) 262

January 1994 actually WAS kind of early to understand the internet. I myself only caught on to it in summer 1993, with Mosaic running on Suns and Macs in the Georgia Tech computer labs. I could rock command-line FTP though.

Yes yes, some of you all had internet access / addresses well before then, and hooray for you. But in Jan 1994 it was still extremely new for average mainstream folks, like people who watch (and host) major network morning news shows.

Give the perma-snark a rest. And you kids get off my lawn!

Comment photos of the flight (Score 2, Informative) 164

Really? All this yacking and nobody bothers to link to the photos?

Killer high-resolution photos from Virgin Galactic:
(that's Rutan and Branson in the last one, both recognizable by their hair)

And while I'm here, why do I have to click twice on links in Slashdot now? First click mysteriously does nothing.

Comment Guy Ben-Ary was doing this five years ago (Score 4, Informative) 170

Guy Ben-Ary is an artist who did a residency at the SymbioticA Research Lab at the University of Western Australia and then at the Potter Lab at Georgia Tech. During that time he created a system where a culture of rat brain neurons controlled a robotic pen controller to draw "art". Further, the two components (brain and arm) were geographically separated and communicated across the internet.

MEART: The Semi Living Artist

Comment Re:Global warming is the cause (Score 0, Flamebait) 285

Not to break off this delightful train of thought, but the problem is that the sun is getting cooler. A lot cooler. It's magnetic field is looking

BOOM. Full stop. Train of thought broken. That's a cognitive speedbump, and I stopped reading immediately. If you want people to actually read what you write, especially smart people, then treat the language with respect.

See the link in my sig below. Yeah, it's a sore point for me, especially around here.

Comment Squeezebox RADIO (Score 2, Informative) 139

By posting this, I'm undoing some much-needed moderation I already did on this thread, but nobody's said anything about it so I gotta do it.

Squeezebox RADIO. No, not a Squeezebox, a Squeezebox RADIO.

Knobs. Buttons. A little display. Wired and wireless Ethernet. A powerful loudspeaker.

Quote: If only I could just hit the power switch, and then turn a knob to the "KGO" station... ? I'd be pretty likely to buy something like this.

And I did exactly that a couple months ago. Drove over to my local big box electronics retailer and drove home with a Logitech Squeezebox Radio (it was definitely hard to find in the store, though, since it straddles the world of boomboxes/radios and internet gear).

At $150 it's not really that cheap, but it does exactly what many people here are clamoring for: gives them SIMPLE one-button access to internet radio, without having to fire up a full-blown PC app. I bought it for my elderly father, and have a preset button (a hardware button) set to KCBS (San Francisco), WINS (New York), an internet station that plays Celtic tunes, and so forth. Two button presses (power + preset) and he's got the sound filling the room, and the PC can stay off.

And soon the battery module will be available for sale and he'll be able to carry the radio around, even.

This is a solved problem, folks. Go buy one for your elderly relative.

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