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Submission + - No Samples on Japan's Hayabusa Asteroid Probe (

eldavojohn writes: "Reports are coming in that JAXA's Hayabusa probe came up empty handed in its bid to collect asteroid matter. There may be gas in the probe but no dust samples as many hoped. Murphy's Law hit JAXA hard, 'After landing in 2005 on the Itokawa asteroid, which is about one-third mile long and shaped like a potato, the probe's sample-capture mechanism went awry. To the public's dismay, JAXA officials said they were not sure whether any samples had been collected. Next, the probe's robotic rover, meant to take photos and temperature readings on the asteroid, inexplicably floated off into space and was never heard from again. Worse yet, after Hayabusa took off from the asteroid, all four of NEC's ion engines shut down. So did all 12 of the chemical-fueled rocket engines made by another space industry giant, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The probe was left drifting in space. Then, for more than seven weeks, for reasons still not clear, there were no communication signals from the probe. Public dismay quickly turned to derision and, eventually, indifference.' The probe did return, however, and hoped to salvage something but now it appears that the only thing it accomplished was one long and error prone journey."

Submission + - Unpeeling Atoms and Molecules from the Inside out (

asukasoryu writes: In a report published in the July 1 issue of Nature, a team describes how they were able to tune LCLS pulses to selectively strip electrons, one by one, from atoms of neon gas. By varying the photon energies of the pulses, they could do it from the outside in or — a more difficult task — from the inside out, creating so-called "hollow atoms."

Submission + - Solar-powered flight grounded (

crimeandpunishment writes: If your plane is powered by the sun, it's tough to fly if your crew is in the dark. A 24-hour test flight for the world's first solar-powered round-the-world flight had to be postponed Thursday due to an equipment problem that would have left mission control out of touch with the technology on the experimental aircraft. When they're able to make this test flight, they hope by flying all day they'll be able to fully charge the batteries, then use the stored energy to power the plane all night.

Comment Re:Official Notice and Explanation (Score 1) 183

Once again, a matter of priorities. If you have to be an asshole to get married, you may be looking for the wrong kind of person. I married someone who appreciates my niceness. And we're not all breeders. Carrying on the family name is trivial to me. In fact, it's idiocracy.
In response: Here lies commadore64_love. He was a mighty jerk who hailed from a long line of jerks. He spawned 27 little jerks to carry on his legacy. His only contributions to the world were his strong opinions and strong ambition to quell differing opinions. May he rest in peace.

Comment Re:Perhaps (Score 3, Funny) 225

Bender: Oh, no? I'm 40% lucky. [He bangs on his chest twice.] The scrap metal I'm made from included a truckload of horseshoes from the luckiest racehorses in Mexico, who had just been sent to a glue factory.
Fanny: They don't sound so lucky to me.
Bender: Not without their shoes.

Submission + - PR2 Robot Now Challenges Humans At Pool (

kkleiner writes: The whiz kids at Willow Garage have worked another robotic wonder. This time the Silicon Valley startup taught a PR2 robot to play billiards – in just one week! Using open source operating system ROS the team was able to teach the robot how to identify the pool table, locate a shot, and make it. Watch the PR2 sink shot after shot in the video.

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