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Comment Re:Good Riddance (Score 1) 796

Outside of franchise America - AND the rest of the modern world. Because you don't have that problem in Europe - EFT is well supported and widely available, and it's actively trivial to pay by card.

In Canada, too, because banks are federally-chartered and there are only 5 (five) of them.

Bank to bank transfers are also widely available and free of charge.

However, the oligopoly does not prevent them from gouging the public, far from it. A bank-to-bank transfer is unheard of by laymen.

If you think about it, you'll see why this makes sense - cheques require manual validation, direct transfers don't. Cheques require physical items moving around, direct transfers don't.

And cheques suck double plus big time; no one will ever accept a cheque unless you know the other person very well, because it is not criminal to write a rubber cheque; as a matter of fact, I only use cheques to pay for my rent.

Comment Re:Conveniently forgetting the details (Score 1) 929

When Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and all the other local terrorist groups stop stuffing bombs into everything they possibly can in order to blow up buses and nightclubs full of civilians, Israeli border patrol agents can stop testing suspected bomb containers by shooting them as a matter of policy. Until then, if it were my life and the lives of my friends and neighbors on the line, I'd be plugging holes in anything being carried across the border that I thought could even possibly contain a bomb if I had even the slightest thought that something wasn't right.

If you don’t have a death-wish, what the fuck are you doing in that primitive shithole???

Comment Re:Shooting bombs? No bombs trigger when shot? (Score 0, Troll) 929

How can you tolerate a country that has "we will kill all jews world-wide" in it's constitution (note they do clarify that if they ever get the Jews they will come after everyone else - you just can't make this up. Unfortunately, it's not a joke)

Sounds like a fair response to a country that is founded on a religious (bullshit) principle that they can steal it from their inhabitants because their Big Juju (Allah) has given it to them And it’s even a fairer response that they had waited half a century before proclaiming that death warrant on their invadors

Every once in a while throughout History, people get pissed-off enough at the jews so they try to exterminate them. The common point in there is the jews who get their head inflated by their mindboggingly stupid religion and act like total assholes, pissing-off everyone else in the process.

It’s really time to implement the real final solution: have the jews dump their fucking religion; teaching children that crap should be totally prohibited so in 2 generations, there will be no significant number of jews left.

No one laments the loss of the sumerians, well, no one will lament the loss of the jews, and they, themselves will finally be able to live the lives of normal people without facing the prospect of their extermination.

Can’t be done? Sure it can. The french have ditched their mindboggingly stupid religion when it was clear that it brought them only misery. If the french have done it, surely the jews can do it too.

Comment Re:Shooting bombs? No bombs trigger when shot? (Score -1, Flamebait) 929

The anti-Israel hysteria here is appalling.

Well, when civilized (that is, evolved) people see the way the sionists behave like primitive savages (bombing children with white phosphorus), it is not surprising that they get upset at a bunch of assholes who have their head inflated by their mindboggingly stupid primitive religion.

Sionists behave like the cavemen of the old testament. It’s not for nothing that every once in a while, people get fed up with them and try to exterminate them, those people are really obnoxious assholes (which is confirmed by the way they act).

Comment Re:Shooting bombs? No bombs trigger when shot? (Score -1, Flamebait) 929

Israel really has very little choice in the matter.

Oh, yes they have a lot of choice: they can pack up and get the fuck out of the middle-east, and go back to where they came from (Europe), and make sure they don’t act obnoxiously so people get pissed-off at them and try to exterminate them yet another time.

A good way to do so would be for them to ditch their absurdinly stupid religion* so it does not inflate their heads.

* All religions are absurdingly stupid; I am an equal-opportunity religion hater.

Comment Re:Well, at least the rest don't do this. (Score 2) 605

(I don't want to tar all or even most Americans with this brush, but the high level of IRA funding that came from the US is openly accepted).

That’s because the IRA’s fight is the same the US went through back around 1776.

And IRA’s fight is just as legit, by the way. It's the limeys' indomitable pigheadedness that is the source of all the trouble. They only need to dump Northern Ireland to EIRE; the orangists who live there will then appropriately dealed with by the irish or they will be repatriated to England, where they belong.

Comment Re:revolt (Score 1) 313

The Taliban aren't well-off, and THEY are willing to suicide to fight a regime they oppose.

Er, actually, not really.

The taliban are having a harder time finding suicide bombers (I guess the most likely prospect all dried-up?). Oh, and I regularly hang with army intelligence officers involved in Afghanistan.

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