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Comment Re:AWS is NOT cheap (Score 2) 146

Yes, I've heard of Xen, and I've even run it in production, both Xenserver and Oracle VM flavors, and both sucked horribly. Back when VMWare tried the v.Tax I contemplated switching to KVM using RHEV but Redhat took almost 30 days to even get me access to a RHEV download by which time VMWare had backed off on their pricing.

As to the crack about redundancy and scalability, I've got a better uptime metric than any cloud provider, zero unplanned downtime in the last 5 years (vmotion + svmotion makes replacing both hosts and storage a breeze) thanks to redundant generators, UPS, chillers, and internet connections.

Comment AWS is NOT cheap (Score 5, Informative) 146

AWS is expensive, I can provide the equivalent of an m3.large reserved instance to my users for 1/4th the cost over 3 years, if you ammatorize my infrastructure over 5 years (which is what we've actually been doing) then it's almost 1/7th as much. The only places where AWS makes sense is if you're a quickly growing startup, have a VERY bursty workload, or you're so small that you can't justify 3 hosts for a VMWare Essentials bundle.

Comment Re:Who makes that? Also FP (Score 1) 287

My total benefits put me in the top 25% of industry average for my position and region (systems engineering manager in the midwest). If you're consistently making below industry average then you are either a very poor negotiator, your skills are below average in value, or you value something else about the jobs you take more than monetary compensation.

Comment Re:get rid of salary pay / make it have a high lev (Score 1) 477

Or, you know we could negotiate a salary that we are happy with given the job descriptions we are applying for. Since I make between 2 and 3 times the median wage I'm ok with answering some emails off hours or waking up to a page once every 6 months due to a system problem. Then again I'm a tech lead and hence management so I'd be exempt under just about any rules =)

Comment Re:Just like Nuclear Fusion (Score 1) 256

It's worth a thought experiment. A submarine fuel facility has the advantage of not being affected much by the surface seas. Perhaps it wouldn't go deep, but instead remain about 60 feet or so underwater. A float mechanism could be used to hoist the hoses to the surface, and then the hoses could be connected for fueling. This would keep the fueling platform itself stable and reduce the risks involved in a collision. It would probably require a significant re-engineering of the coupling mechanism, and I'm not sure how refueling underway would be accomplished, but maybe someone else has an idea.

Comment SVLTE/SVDO? (Score 4, Interesting) 47

So does this finally mean we'll get Simultaneous voice and LTE/SVDO back? Because all the current generation Qualcomm processors lack dual radio paths for some reason, this despite the fact that the previous generation had it. I have to assume it's because they used so much power/transistor budget on 'more cores!!!!' that they didn't have room for an RF design to accommodate features that are actually useful.

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