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Comment Intriguing (Score 2, Insightful) 165

So it begins. A group of fans takes some fictional, but well grounded, movie dialogue, expands that out into a language. The language gets tacked onto a particular Con culture and both grow with some vigour. With this opera, we are seeing the creation of a fine arts and by extension, philosophy. A hundred years from now when we have followed Hawking's command to get off the planet to survive, will humankind see Klingon enclaves on Mars? Are we in fact creating our own antagonists? Add a little religiosity to the mix and a future Terran space navy could find itself fighting D7s manned by biologically Human but culturally Klingon beings. Gene would be happy he got the appearance right the first time. Or perhaps this is what he was getting at all along - we are Klingons.

'u' — the First Authentic Klingon Opera On Earth 165

j0ris writes "The Klingon are passionate opera-lovers, but little is known about their highly evolved form of musical expression. Floris Schonfeld is the initiator and director of 'u', the first authentic Klingon opera on earth. He studied Klingon music theory for over a year, and together with several experts developed various indigenous Klingon instruments. The Terran Klingon Research Ensemble has been set up to further develop a coherent Klingon musical practice amongst human musicians. 'u' premieres on September 9 in The Hague, Netherlands. An invitation by Klingon language expert Marc Okrand has been sent to Kronos, home planet of the Klingons, via radio telescope."
GNU is Not Unix

FSF Asks Apple To Comply With the GPL For Clone of GNU Go 482

I Don't Believe in Imaginary Property writes "The Free Software Foundation has discovered that an application currently distributed in Apple's App Store is a port of GNU Go. This makes it a GPL violation, because Apple controls distribution of all such programs through the iTunes Store Terms of Service, which is incompatible with section 6 of the GPLv2. It's an unusual enforcement action, though, because they don't want Apple to just make the app disappear, they want Apple to grant its users the full freedoms offered by the GPL. Accordingly, they haven't sued or sent any legal threats and are instead in talks with Apple about how they can offer their users the GPLed software legally, which is difficult because it's not possible to grant users all the freedoms they're entitled to and still comply with Apple's restrictive licensing terms."

Recourse For Draconian Encryption Requirements? 555

CryoStasis writes in with this question, which likely resulted from the new Massachusetts data security law. "I work for a major hospital in the Northeast. Recently the hospital has taken it upon itself to increase its general level of computer security. As a result they now require full-disk encryption on any computer connected to their network on site. Although I think this stance is perhaps a little over-exuberant, most of these computers are machines that have been purchased with hospital funding. In the department that I work in, however, many of the employees (myself included) bring their own personal machines to work every day. For obvious reasons we're rather reluctant to allow the hospital's IT staff to attempt installation of the encryption software. Those who have allowed the installation have had major problems afterwards, on both Macs and Windows machines — ranging from severe/total data loss to frequent crashes to general slowness — which the hospital does very little to remedy. To make matters worse, the hospital is now demanding that any machine that is used to check email (via email clients or webmail directly) be encrypted, including desktop-style machines at home, which must be brought in to the IT department, as they refuse to distribute the encryption software to the employees for install. By monitoring email access they have begun harassing employees who check email from off campus, stating that their email/login access will be disabled unless they bring in their computers. I have no intention of letting these people install anything on my machine, particularly software of which their IT staff clearly doesn't have a solid grasp. Have other Slashdot readers come across this kind of a problem? Do I have any recourse, legal or otherwise, to stop them from requiring me to install software on my personal machines?"

Why Time Flies By As You Get Older 252

Ant notes a piece up on WBUR Boston addressing theories to explain the universal human experience that time seems to pass faster as you get older. Here's the 9-minute audio (MP3). Several explanations are tried out: that brains lay down more information for novel experiences; that the "clock" for nerve impulses in aging brains runs slower; and that each interval of time represents a diminishing fraction of life as we age.

Comment Re:A "merchant" weighs in (Score 3, Informative) 187

"2: People who have tried SL and left unimpressed have little clue what goes on there and are therefore little more qualified to make informed judgements of what goes on there."

No, people who have tried SL and left unimpressed are making an judgement informed by their experience. To say that they had little clue about what goes on there simply means that Linden and the cabal of initiates in the know have done a piss poor job in exposing "what goes on there" in a simple, attractive and easy to use fashion.

The rest of your post was interesting - I hadn't thought of SL's possible uses by the disabled community.

Comment Re:ONE THOUSAND?! (Score 1) 404

hmmm.. but see, now we're having a philosophical discussion. We can discuss what is the right/wrong way to treat offenders. However that wasn't a choice back in the day.. and I don't think that has anything to do with freedoms

Back then the law didn't have the ability or resources to track someone down. Someone could have made a stupid error they should get away from, or they could have committed the most heinous crime where they shouldn't be able to hide in any corner of the world. We can't kill those two birds with one stone.

Freedom isn't about having the ability to hide from your past. Everyone has the right to freedom, but you forgo that right when you commit a crime. BUT we have always had the opportunity to forgive people who deserve it, now we can do it not on the terms of those who perpetrated the crime!

In terms of the law being unforgiving, I don't think the law has ever been forgiving, people have just dodged rules. Crime hasn't magically shot up recently, we've just gained the ability to see it.

What's interesting is the duality of your last argument, this discussion spawns from the growth of government (using CCTVs) at the same time you talk about privatization of jails, and how it's a terrible thing to happen. We have to remember that the law is on the people's side.. and when the law no longer is, we don't avoid laws, we do what we can to change them. Sure that's wishful thinking, but isn't that the "right" thing to do?

Comment Re:Windows 7 (Score 1) 647

Browser history is only kept for a finite period of time, so it has no reason to slow down at all beyond that point.

On a unix based system, the configuration for each app is kept separately and only loaded if required, on windows it's all bundled in to the registry so it needs to be parsed wether you're using that application or not.
So no, simply having more applications and associated their configuration on your drive should NOT slow the system down.

Also, windows apps, especially games, like to load kernel drivers for drm and auto update processes etc... I have a windows machine that is used for nothing but games, and on startup it loads several drm drivers for the various games which have been installed. If you remove the drm crap, the associated game stops working, if you remove the auto updater then your apps will not get updated and could suffer from security holes, or you might find yourself unable to play online because all the other players have been updated to the latest version.

The fact that you consider it normal for windows to get gradually slower under typical usage is just absurd, why should people have to watch out for how many things they install incase the system will grind to a halt?

Also, there is the problem with uninstallers not removing stuff properly and leaving detritus littering the system... It comes from relying on the application vendor to write an uninstaller, a proper package manager that kept track of these things would work much better.

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