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Comment It was gimmicky to begin with (Score 1) 350

I got Wave during the beta, as did many of my friends, and we all thought it was pretty nifty. After a few weeks, it had pretty much lost its allure and almost none of us were using it because the majority of the people we communicated with didn't use it.

The really problem with Wave was definitely marketing. If I asked a random, "normal" person if they used Google Wave, their answer would be "Huh? What's that?" No one knew about it.

Comment Car analogy (Score 4, Insightful) 1018

"Many of them receive a low 6-figure salary whereas their bosses — who manipulate these algorithms and execute the trades — often earn millions."

A Nascar Driver's pit crew recieve a low 5-figure salary while their bosses - who use the cars to win races - often earn millions.

I get why the programmers are disgruntled, the code they write makes a lot of money and they aren't getting a huge cut, but it seems like the algorithm the program is based on would be the most important aspect. Besides, $100,000 a year doesn't seem that bad to me.

Comment Re:but ... but (Score 1) 617

He probably would've done rather well. The problem with most High Schools is that they don't even come close to challenging their students resulting in boredom, lost interest, and poor grades. My high school Physics class consisted of complete drivel and my grades suffered because of it.

Comment Re:Average (Score 1) 617

When I was in school, higher achievers were in one class, average students in another and lower achievers and those with behavioral issues in another. Teaching was tailored to each class and everybody learned at their pace. Lower achievers could learn with more help, higher achievers just saw more content and everybody was happy.

That is how grade school is where I live, even more so in the Middle and High Schools. In grades 1-6 they usually have a class for "Accelerated" students and in grades 7-12 the smarter kids take harder and more in-depth classes.

Comment Re:Poll of opinions of iPad owers by general publi (Score 1) 780

I don't think they surveyed to see what people thought iPad owners were like, but I do think they asked people a few questions about their personality, what they thought about the iPad, and if they owned an iPad. If they just asked what people thought about iPad owners, they wouldn't know that most "Independant Geeks" are critical of, and don't own, the iPad.

Unfortunately, it's impossible for us to know much about the validity of the study as they didn't adequate cover its methodology.

Comment Re:Just go to a religious school already (Score 0) 989

You send YOUR kids to a religious school that caters to YOUR atheistic beliefs. Problem solved.

Just thought I would point out that athiesm is not a religion. Its a lack of religion.

Just thought I would point out that atheism is the "rejection of the belief in the existence of deities". Under some definitions of religion, atheism certainly qualifies.

Submission + - Geoneutrinos Could Help Predict Earthquakes (discovery.com)

astroengine writes: "Using underground 'telescopes' more commonly associated with detecting solar neutrinos, Italian scientists are proposing they use a network of global neutrino detectors, not to detect solar neutrinos, but to detect neutrinos generated by the Earth itself. Could these recently discovered 'geoneutrinos' generated by radioisotope decay in the Earth's crust be used to predict earthquakes? Possibly."

Submission + - Ikaros Spacecraft Successfully Propelled in Space (inhabitat.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Japan's IKAROS spacecraft has already successfully deployed the first solar sail in space, but today it made the only first that really matters: it successfully captured the sun’s rays with its 3,000 square-foot sail and used the energy to speed its way through space. Each photon of light exerts 0.0002 pounds of pressure on the 3,000-square-foot sail, and the steady stream of solar exposure has succeeded in propelling the nearly 700-pound drone.

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Disclaimer: "These opinions are my own, though for a small fee they be yours too." -- Dave Haynie
