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Comment Re:can't wait to see it work on fox news web site (Score 2, Interesting) 375

that's a valid complaint

some scientific discoveries go against conventional wisdom and are originally ridiculed. for example, some australian scientists discovered stomach ulcers are caused by a certain species of bacteria in the 1980s. they were rejected, laughed at, people got angry at them. the belief at the time was acid and spicy food formed ulcers. wrong. eventually they won the nobel prize for medicine for their discovery

but this process is mediated by serious researchers who, adhering to the scientific method, are compelled to reverse themselves in spite of their preliminary reactions

meanwhile, we have antivaxxers, moon landing deniers, GM food ignorance, creationists, climate change deniers, fluoride fearmongers, 9/11 conspiracy theorists babbling about burning airplane fuel and steel, etc... assorted douchebag crackpots who are absolutely, undeniably factually wrong, and oftentimes dangerous (to public health, for example), but enthusiastically keep spreading their lies nonetheless

stupid shitbags like this for example are working very, very hard to kill children:

not they they understand their efforts only work to kill children: they're ignorant braindead assholes, pridefully arrogant in their lack of education

so they need to be shut down in other ways. your freedom to be a moron ends when your beliefs put my life and liberty in danger. so thank you, google

google's algorithm would downplay revolutionary new scientific evidence, like the ulcer causing bacterium, indeed. but this is a short time period, squarely in the realm of brand new scientific research, where, after enough weight, change would come quickly, and so to google's algorithm, if it gets its signals from solid peer reviewed journals that present genuine science

meanwhile, lies and idiocy are not peer reviewed and grow like fungus in the dark and will never, ever change

so they need to be buried at the bottom of google as the brain numbing, sometimes genuinely dangerous puerile prideful ignorance they are

Comment Re:Xfce 5 should be based on Qt. (Score 1) 91

I don't quite see what it has to gain by reinventing the wheel, it's not like pulling in Qt/Gtk drains that many resources by themselves.

I have systems which have a GUI and yet have no Qt/GTK stuff whatsoever. The less code I can have on the system at all, the less chance that some of it will go wrong. But sometimes you really need a gui config tool of some kind for sanity's sake.

Of course, more and more of those are GTK or Qt apps now so I guess it's not really that important.

Comment Re:Why make the same complaint every time? (Score 0) 187

To pretend this is an Apple story is ultimately dishonest because of its implication.

The story is definitely an Apple story, in part. They are profiting handsomely from participating in this behavior. It's disingenuous to suggest that it isn't about Apple simply because it isn't all about Apple. At best, you're as hypocritical as what you're complaining about.

Comment Re:Robot vs Machine (Score 2) 187

By calling them robots instead of machines, the article writers are playing on emotional strings of people, trying to provoke a larger response than otherwise.

Robots are like other machines which have automated away jobs in obvious ways. They are also unlike them in other ways, which will enable them to seize more jobs. And there was significant social upheaval when we moved to manufacturing. It wasn't all for the better, although obviously it provided opportunities for more people. It's also come at a significant cost in sustainability.

Comment Why make the same complaint every time? (Score 1, Insightful) 187

Someone makes this complaint every time one of these stories happens. The answer is always the same: Apple posts the big profits, and everyone knows who Apple is. When you say that it seems to come from a desire to attack the company which is recently most successful, you're half right. That's a means to an end. Apple is most visible, so by attacking Apple, you're getting the most visibility. You could simply attack Foxconn directly — these days they actually sell stuff with their name on it — but statistically nobody has actually seen their logo and "connected" (ugh) with any of their products. So frankly, it's really smart to attack Apple as opposed to Foxconn or some other vendor which uses them, and it's really stupid to keep whining about it. (By extension, what does that make me?) But maybe this comment can be referred back to by posterity.

Comment Re:Automation is Dependent on Design for Manufactu (Score 2) 187

At the assembly level it isn't so easy to automate with a lot of the designs.

The designs will simply change to make manufacturing easier, and the designs of the robots will change to meet them partway. It's not like this problem can't be "solved", it just hasn't been solved yet.

Sooner or later, the whole phone will just be laminated into one brick which can only be taken apart with exotic chemicals so toxic that you need to keep them sealed away from all that is holy. And then, the terrorists^Wcorporations will have won... but regardless, there will be no need for human assembly, or really any involvement at all. Designs and materials and of course some of the completed parts go in, devices get pooped out on the other end. At least the phones will finally be waterproof.

Comment Re: Foxconn Factories' Future: Fewer Humans, More (Score 3, Insightful) 187

Oddly, we seem to have managed to get past the introduction of the assembly line without the sort of problems you're predicting

Have we?

humanity is still here, its population is still growing, and technology is still advancing.

Whee! But, with a tip of the cap to Greg Graffin, progress is not intelligently planned. If you're playing a strategy and you use up the resources in early play then you're going to have a bad time.

Granted, life is more complex than a game with a fixed tech tree. Who knows what technology we'll invent tomorrow, right?

Comment Re:Foxconn Factories' Future: Fewer Humans, More R (Score 1) 187

With robotics who do we get rid of the employers or the employees. It makes far more logical sense to eliminate the employers, rather than the employees. The employees employ the robots thus eliminating the need for employers.

That also eliminates the need for cheap disposable shit that will disintegrate in short order and generate another visit to the crap shack. So it actually eliminates the need for many of the robots as well.

Comment yay file manager improvements (Score 1) 91

The woeful file manager has been the weakest point of the non-GNOME/KDE Linux desktop for ever and ever amen, pretty much regardless of which one you're talking about. I'm using lubuntu right now and I can't say I'm in love with the one I get there.

Comment Re:Xfce 5 should be based on Qt. (Score 2) 91

The portability of GTK+ is, to put it politely, utter rubbish. X11 is the only platform where it isn't a disgrace.

The portability of GTK+ is also fairly irrelevant when it comes to a desktop for Unix. As long as you can use it with X11 today and either Wayland or X11 tomorrow, it's a suitable toolkit for the development of a Unix DE.

It would be nice to see GIMP and other apps move away from GTK, but uh, GIMP, GTK, etc. But I don't think it matters much for XFCE. If anything, what I want is for my DE not to be based on a major toolkit. This breaks down when it gets to the file manager, but it's not clear that the fm even needs to be closely integrated with the desktop unless you want icons on your desktop. I don't really feel that I need a "desktop", as it were. I only use it on Windows, and then only because it's easy to get to.

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