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Comment Re:#1 for speed and power, by far. Mustang, Ram, B (Score 1) 765

Yes but we are talking about infants here, how do they even know that cars means speed and power?

*why do you belive that men who don't agree with you are imasculated? It's not like I believe that men who squat/deadlift/benchpress less than I do is less men than me just to take another stupid example.

Comment Re:Define "Threatened" and "Unwelcome" (Score 1) 765

And they don't play with any friends what so ever? Note that I'm not trying to out you, I'm simply trying to be 100% sure that there was no outside bias that had anything to do with your kids behaviour. Add to that that we don't know how you our your wife treated your kids, the study from the kindergarten that I wrote about was real and not made up so even though you might think that you behaved exactly the same when your girl played with dolls/cars as you did with the boy, there is a slight chance that you didn't and even didn't know it.

On the other hand there might not have been any outside bias what so ever and it just so happened that your boy preferred the car and your girl not. One cannot draw conclusions from a "study" with only two participants

And why you bring in the battle scene is beyond me, didn't I write that men and women where different? It's just quite difficult to have a genetic bias towards a toy car in a species that evolved long before there where any cars and when the porpose of the car is not apparent for the child.

Once you are grown up and really try to drive a car there might be a male bias towards driving due to the speed or what not, but that is not something that a small child have any idea of what so ever!

Comment Re:Fuck those guys (Score 1) 569

And how often does that happen in relation to there not beeing some unstable armed murderer on the other side?

It also feels like an uneeded escalation of force. If the armed perp knows/suspects that the police will storm in and kill every one inside he has no incentive to not shoot the police on sight. In other countries however where the police doesn't act like in the US these kinds of things mostly don't happen at all, the perp knows that the police won't shoot him dead unless he provokes it so there is an incentive to behave. Also sentencing plays a role here, if the perp knows that he fill face the same jail time regardless of if he kills some people or not he has no incentive to deescalate the situation. As I understand it you have some states in the US that have the same punishment for holding hostages as killing the hostages?

Comment Re:Define "Threatened" and "Unwelcome" (Score 2) 765

And you kept both completely shielded from any forms of media so that there was no way that they ever would associate cars with boys? Of course men and women are different but how on earth would boys be genetically biased towards cars?

A kindergarten over here did a study some years ago where they videotaped how the staff interacted with the children. And to the staffs dismay they treated boys and girls completely different even though they believed themselves that they treated them equally. So the situation might be a little more complex than "boys and girls are different".

Comment Re:New version! (Score 1) 264

I agree that binary logs is not something that I fancy either. I do however understand why he went that way since he want's to enable meta-data to the logging and also I must say that the log search in RHEL7 is lightning fast compared with grep and that it's nice to issue a "journalctl " and get all the syslog aswell as all the stderr and stdout from combined in one place.

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