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Comment Re:Relaxing = Live longer? (Score 3, Informative) 208

it's quite the contrary, we (finns) throw water to stove, which boils immediately forming steam (löyly) which fills the 'sauna room' (löylyhuoneen). Humidity is well over 80% there in well warmed up sauna all the time and when that water is thrown (half a pint of more) it will quite rapidly go above 90% humidity.

If you have been in a place where someone calls it sauna and it's unlike that, it's not a proper finnish sauna, not even close.

I'm not sure how exactly the (relative) humidity percentages translate to human perception, but from the experience as a Finn, the effect of humidity varies a lot. When you toss water on the stove, there's your familiar (for /. audiences) heat pipe effect: evaporation at the stove, condensation on your skin, meaning a rapid burst-mode transfer of heat into you. But this only lasts a couple of seconds, and you'll generally spend minutes relaxing in the moderate heat in between tosses.

The ideal temperature and humidity also depends heavily on the size and build of the sauna. Smaller ones are generally fine with lower air temperatures, presumably because the heat pipe effect will be better focused.

Of course, ideal humidities and temperatures really come down to preferences, and the watering frequency also provides a lot of control, there's really no need for extreme heat if that's not your thing. IMHO, the sauna is first and foremost about relaxation, even a kind of meditation, and presumably that's an important factor on health.

Comment Re:Tell me these are 64bit? (Score 1) 109

the first atom core were 64bit WTF did intel remove that support for some chips ?

Not quite. It was WTF from the beginning, as these were released like 5 years after the introduction of x86-64. I got an Atom board in 2010 and I remember the mess of making extra sure it's 64-bit, as new 32-bit models were still being made.

Comment Re:Sick and tired of "Digital Natives" (Score 1) 261

This. I'd say the problem is made worse by the closed appliance culture that artificially distances users from developers, even if we have the open source movement to keep things alive. To consider things literally, a "digital native" should be someone who speaks ones and zeros fluently, i.e. having some level of programming ability, and not just in a school/test environment, but applying it in the real world.

Comment Re:Given all the tattoo hate here (Score 1) 164

You however will be stuck with your idea of cool in 2015 for the rest of your life, and everyone else will look down their noses at your poor decision making skills for the rest of your life.

Well, I'm afraid my idea of "cool" was thousands of years old when I first got into it, so I guess I'm a lost cause anyway ;)

(I got my math symbols after my first year of working as a full-time teacher, way after my first degree, so it's not exactly some drunken teenage idea. That was over 10 years ago. I never used the word "cool" because I think it refers to something trendy and ephemeral. However, I also don't believe that growing up means losing everything that's fun and playful.)

Comment Re:Given all the tattoo hate here (Score 2) 164

Not everybody is drawing on their skin to impress someone.

This. My signs are rarely visible, even most t-shirts cover them, and I don't exactly go around flaunting them. It's a personal thing that tells something about me, for those who like to know. It's also a kind of joke about the perceived disjoint between those who have tattoos and those who work in education or research. That said, I've seen a surprising amount of ink in the teachers' lounges, and one of my most inked friends is an elementary school teacher; the university people seem more conservative than teachers in this sense, in my experience.

Some people might prefer an expensive suit or a fancy car to maintain a certain kind of image, and they don't seem to get the same kind of hate -- though that kind of image is usually associated with a status that attracts haters for other reasons.

It's pretty hard to go about your life not giving any kind of impression. If you avoid giving one at all, then chances are that others will come up with all kinds of false impressions.

Comment Re:Numbers (Score 1) 149

It is a classic mistake to measure the benefit of infrastructure on the basis of "does it pay for itself in ticket sales?". The benefit to society may be much larger than the direct income generated.

It would certainly be interesting if the tunnel project helped balance out the drastic price/income/tax differences between Finland and Estonia, similarly to what has happened between Sweden and Denmark to some extent. Booze runs to Estonia are a national pastime in Finland where alcohol is heavily taxed and monopolized, while many an Estonian spends their weeks working well-paid jobs in Helsinki. Of course, our government is doing everything to curb the booze runs in the name of national health, intra-EU free trade be damned. Meanwhile, a lot of Finnish entrepreneurs are moving South to enjoy a more business-friendly taxation.

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