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Comment Re:Somebody, perhaps, but not the NSA. (Score 1) 107

Vital systems should never, ever be connected to the internet in the first place. If the people running such systems would stop being complete idiots and disconnect from the internet, there would be no need for anything like a military-style response to "cyber" attacks.

Comment Re:Can't help but laugh (Score 1) 127

What will kill MS of its own accord is cloud.

Finally, a real argument for why people should be using the cloud! This is literally the first one that I've seen that might tilt the cost/benefit analysis to the "use the cloud" side.

Although Azure does seem to be doing pretty well, so I don't know how accurate the statement really is.

Comment Re:Can't help but laugh (Score 1) 127

I wonder how many of these same people buy Sony products despite not just one, but an entire string of blatantly anti-consumer decisions

I haven't bought anything Sony since the rootkit.

Or Microsoft, which has a very long history of not just anti-consumer, but crushing the PC industry and suberting entire standards bodies.

Likewise, I have done my best to avoid giving Microsoft even a single dime -- although in practice, that's pretty much impossible to achieve, thanks to their continuing evil practices (such as demanding royalties from Android phone manufacturers).

Comment Re:Too late (Score 1) 127

While much of what you say contains truth, I think you are too quick to discount overall company culture. If the processes in one part of the company can get so lax without management correcting it, it's more likely that the same problem exists in every other part of the company as well.

Even if the only part of Lenovo that sucked was the group that decided that the malware was acceptable, that still means the company as a whole can't be trusted -- since from the outside of the company, there's no way to know what groups suck and what groups don't.

However, the reason that I will never again purchase anything made by Lenovo is more basic than that: their official response to Superfish was either that they were outright lying or that they were seriously incompetent. Either way, they proved to be a company that you can't trust -- even if there are groups within the company that are trustworthy.

Comment Re:Another piece of software to uninstall (Score 1) 275

The only way this practice will stop is if users stop demanding every damn thing for free and actually come off their wallets and pay for the damn software.

It is up to the cheap-ass customer to decide whether that is through incessant ad revenue or a one-time charge.

Wrong. I am very happy to pay software I use and enjoy, but most of the time I don't have that option. You can't blame this sort of thing on people being unwilling to pay when there is no option to pay at all, or paying doesn't get you a version of the software that is free of ads and tracking.

Comment Re:Since when? (Score 1) 300

My point was basically that the fact that Java is still a big thing is ample evidence that Sun does indeed "exist in [at least one] way that is meaningful."

And I disagree. The product that Sun created clearly still exists in a meaningful way -- but that's the product, not the company. The company no longer exists. What I hear you saying is that if I buy a coffee maker from a company and the company goes out of business, the company actually still exists because the coffee maker still exists.

Products and the companies that make them are different things.

Comment Re:Still My Favorite (Score 1) 300

You have to screw around in about:config to get the same effect.

In all fairness, if you want a decent experience in Firefox you have to change a number of other things in about:config anyway (since Mozilla has apparently decided that they don't want anyone to be able to improve the settings in a way that is actually convenient). As long as you're there, changing one more thing isn't that big of a deal.

Comment Re:Is this such a bad thing? March of progress... (Score 1) 300

Seriously, though, IE is a piece of c-r-a-p. Always has been and always will be.

I don't know if it always will be, but it's certainly a piece of crap, I agree, and getting crappier with each release. The problem with Firefox is that it's not much better than IE and is following the exact same trajectory of constantly getting crappier. Although, admittedly, each browser has its own unique flavor of crappy.

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