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Comment Re:fees (Score 0) 391

I've already had to turn down a couple of high-prestige projects for some remote stuff because of this.

If they're "high-prestige" why aren't you willing to move? It's not like you own that apartment you're renting. Move out when your lease comes up and make sure you tell management why you're doing it. Good tenants are hard to find, if you complain infrequently and pay your rent on time (less common than you'd think) they'll be sorry to see you go and will listen to your reasons for doing so.

Doesn't solve your problem in the short term but it's more effective for long term change than griping about the problem on Slashdot.

Comment Re:Stomp Feet (Score 0, Troll) 391

Because corporations bad, mmm'kay?

That's really the crux of it. Any argument against this ruling is immediately shouted down. I posited this question on another forum and received the equivalent of -1, Troll: Why is everybody cheering a ruling that attacks hypothetical problems (the oft discussed "fast lane" has yet to actually happen) while ignoring the actual problems that are impeding innovation? The "killer app" that started this whole argument is streaming video, so ask yourself which of these two things are a greater threat to that: The data caps that are currently being imposed or the fast lane that only exists on paper?

Comment Re:That is okay (Score 1) 301

Yet you seem more than willing to kick any of the people trying to climb out of the hole they were born in in the teeth to make sure they never get ion an equal footing with you.

Actually, that's not true at all. I don't go out of my way to keep anyone down, and encourage anyone that actually puts forth effort and works hard to succeed.

But I don't think anyone or any group should have or get special consideration, or have the bar lowered for them just because they are of a certain group, sex or religion, or had a hard start in life.

It is pure results at the end.

I don't believe in quotas, or special helping funds for anyone out of the gov. coffers, that just isn't supposed to be the governments job.

Comment Re:Romulan Ale (Score 1) 411

Last Halloween I got suckered into running a 13k in costume; since the only costume I own is a TNG uniform and one of my friends wore a TOS redshirt it wasn't much of a leap to get smashed afterwards on Romulan Ale. Alas, I found out the hard way that my Playmates Type II Phaser doesn't work on the bouncer at our local pub. He's a big guy, so maybe I just needed to bump it up to maximum stun....

Comment Romulan Ale (Score 2) 411

I've seen a lot of recipes over the years; the one that comes the closest to the effects of the "real" thing is equal parts Everclear, Bacardi 151, and Blue Curacao. It kind of tastes like gasoline but that's part of the appeal, along with pretending it was smuggled across the neutral zone after you've consumed too much of it.... ;)

Comment Re:Just damn (Score 0, Troll) 411

Human beings are one of the few (the only?) species on this blue marble that can override their baser instincts in favor of reason. I personally know several people who quit smoking cold turkey after many years. It's simply a matter of will power. Don't whine about the "tobacco" companies if you can't summon it even when you know the consequences.

Comment Re:That is okay (Score 1) 301

You say it would be fair for them to make $35/h

That is waaaay too much for unskilled workers. Pushing boxes around is on the same level as flipping burgers. No wonder things are getting so expensive. We're paying far too much for unskilled labor.

If you've not tried to make something better of your life with education and life skills...then well, you get what you deserve.

What's next, I have to pay someone $40/hr to mow my fucking lawn?

Comment Re:That is okay (Score 1) 301

Sure, not everyone started off on the same footing, boo is unfair.

BULLETIN: Live has always been unfair. I'm not 6'11", I can't play basketball and make millions of dollars.

Everyone is dealt some cards to start with, some start from the back, but if they work and learn to value an education..they can succeed, and many do.

But just because life is don't pull the playing field down to the lowest common denominator so that everyone can be "equal".

While I do like to give to charity and I try to help out my friends and family as best I can, I am NOT my brothers keeper. It is not upon me to make sure they can make a living or whatever, especially if they are stupid, and/or lazy.

I won't stand in anyone's way, but I certainly don't feel I need to go out of my way to help.

No...someone who picks up fucking garbage on the side of the road != someone who designs CPUs.

The world does now and always has needed its ditch diggers. If you fsck up your life so bad that that's all you can do? Well, you made your bed, now,sleep in it.

Comment Re:I Have Plans Now (Score 1) 222

You know....I've just never really "gotten" this movie. Perhaps I need to watch it again, I hear there are different versions of it out now, that maybe give you more insight to the story.

But of the times I've seen it way in the past, it just never really hit me as that good of a movie.

I know I was disappointed as a kid when it came out originally in theaters, I was expecting something like Star Wars and it wasn't that.

I saw it a few years after that and to me, was just kinda boring. It seemed just dreary and I wasn't even that impressed with the SPFX.

Then again, since then, I've become a Phillip K. Dick fan and I like other adaptations of his stuff, so maybe I need to go back and try to watch this again with new eyes.

Can someone recommend the definitive version to watch out of what I believe are 3x of them out there? Which one and why?

Comment Re:WTF with the /. Interface?!?!? (Score 1, Offtopic) 77

Ok, I'd heard about BETA but never had seen it before.

So, is this beta or just something worse till beta comes?

JFC....why does someone have to change something JUST For the sake of change. What was wrong with they way /. has looked for the past years?

It is now a PITA to go see what comments are threaded onto my comments...whereas it was quite easy to see and tell when new ones came onto your part of the thread in response to you.

I just discovered the Soylent News thing....maybe that will indeed be the new slashdot.

This is very disappointing. Not everyone views everything through the small fucking screen of a cell phone.

Comment WTF with the /. Interface?!?!? (Score -1, Offtopic) 77

Wow...WFT did Slashdot do to the freaking forum?!?!

I couldn't figure how to post to the thread with no previous comments (where was the reply button?)

I'm looking at my comments in my section, but can't figure now how to find my comments to see the ratings, etc?

What the hell did they do to the interface? It looks like it is now only for cell phones? Sheesh....

This sucks.

Gotta see if I can find a way to revert to old look, if they left that in...

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