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Comment Re:Dear federal government: GTFO (Score 2) 216

Your point would be better taken if you (and I mean the generic you, not you specifically) did not risk others lives by the actions that you take. I'd be perfectly happy to let you do whatever you wish in your vehicle but when a mistake on your part can kill me, then I'm happy to have the government interfere with your ability to do so.

Comment Re:Law of Leaky Abstractions (Score 1) 352

Someone pointed that one out to me when I started working on a framework to manage timers, digital I/O and so on on the Arduino platform. Apparently Joel feels that abstractions are not useful because they cannot be perfect. He points out that stream sockets hide the errors in network transport by 'guaranteeing' packet delivery order and retransmiting dropped packets but cannot mask the problem when the cable is pulled. So what? If someone needs to read this to understand that the network is not going to work when the cable is disconnected, they're probably in the wrong business.

Comment Re:Just one more reason (Score 2) 258

Come on, I refuse to believe that these entities are actively working to put more people in prison for no good reason. ...
I think it's more likely that private prisons advocate for more prison time, etc. That would be the American thing to do :)

Are you suggesting that money is not a good reason?

  Prison operation is now private and they want to grow the business.

Comment Re:Trollolololol! (Score 1) 146

What annoys me is that this is happening on a weeknight. Seriously??? Can't anyone think this sort of thing through??? ...

Very poor planning IMO. Whereas we had temps in the 80s a couple days ago it is presently 27F when the eclipse seems to be at totality. Oh well, at least I got to see it and capture some crude images before the clouds moved back in.

Comment Re:Not long (Score 1) 520

AFAIK I have Comcast and Netflix. Most of the time when I watch Netflix it wavers between 280SD and 480SD. On a good day I get 720HD. On a bad day - which is all too frequent - I get 240SD. Anything from 280SD and below looks like crap on a modern HDTV.

And yet, at the same time I can run a bandwidth test which shows I get great bandwidth (, local test server.)

I suppose the bottleneck could be beyond the portion of the network between my home and the local server. Or Comcast is throttling Netflix. Either way, Comcast has a vested interest in not solving the problem.

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