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Comment Bonus Footage! (Score 2) 255

The only "fake" I can recall getting from TPB was one time I downloaded Spiderman 3, and towards the end where there's the fight scene with Venom in the skyscraper frame, someone from an animal rights group had edited over the "breaking news" portion with a really bizarre "meat is murder" clip that went on for about 1 minute, showing cows and pigs being tortured and slaughtered. I wasn't even mad thought, it was so trippy, the whole "wtf just happened??" moment was more entertaining than what was happening in the movie

Comment Re:Pshaw (Score 1) 270

Google used to (2008-2009) have a "dont show again" little x button next to search results if you were signed into your Google account. It only worked for specific pages, but I did notice after a while the domains I kept x'ing out came up less frequently in other results where I had yet to block any returns. Not sure why but it just disappeared one day, although I still see the "You have removed results from this search, (click here to) show them" for terms I'd blocked some results on.

Comment Re:Why trust your ears? Unless you're blind that i (Score 1) 620

what about the deaf and blind? If Helen Keller were alive today, she would surely be struck down by these silent invisible menaces. I propose we add omni-directional microwave emitters to these vehicles, so that pedestrians can be made aware of their unsafe proximity to oncoming traffic by the severity of the burning sensation in their skin!

Comment Re:'Bout time? (Score 1) 420

I've found the way around this is to explain to the boss that the googlebot crawls your site like a screen reader would, so taking the time to add image alts, link titles, table summaries, etc... is a legitimate way to sneak in keywords and make your content see more relevant. I've already taken accessibility courses and incorporate most of the techniques into my pages, so I kinda hope they will pass it because then I can charge more money - and who knows, maybe they will outlaw table based layouts = D

Submission + - Google's 'Safe Browsing' Could Compromise Privacy

ancientribe writes: It turns out Google's browser security extension for Chrome and Firefox browsers can actually put user privacy at risk. A researcher at the Black Hat USA hacker conference in Las Vegas this week said he discovered that Google's Safe Browsing anti-phishing and anti-malware feature for Chrome and Firefox browsers gathers and stores data about the user's machine and browsing habits — information that could potentially be abused by an attacker, or even incriminate the user in a legal case. Hacker "RSnake," Robert Hansen, says the only way to avoid privacy leaks is to disable the security function in the browser. But, "The bummer is you're turning off a great service," he says.


Submission + - Developers hate the App Store. Should we care? (itworld.com)

jfruhlinger writes: "The simmering resentment developers have been feeling over the past few months over the inadequacies of the iPhone App Store — the opacity and arbitrariness of Apple's decision making, the economics that have turned it into a dollar store full of fart apps — has boiled over in the controversy over the rejection of Google Voice apps. The developers may be right in that the system is rigged so that it's impossible to make a living off of writing iPhone apps. The question is, can they make anyone else care?"

Submission + - SMS hack could leave "every" iPhone vulner

mhx writes: "A single character sent by text message could allegedly compromise every iPhone released to date. The technique involves sending only one unusual text character or else a series of "invisible" messages that confuse the phone and open the door to attack. Apple has not released any updates yet. So little can be done, except power off your iPhone to avoid being hacked."

Submission + - EFF: Apple's jailbroken iPhone/tower claim FUD (computerworld.com)

CWmike writes: "The EFF took exception today to Apple's claims that jailbroken iPhones could cripple a mobile carrier network, calling the argument nothing but "a hill of beans." "This is all just a lot of fear, uncertainty and doubt," said Fred von Lohmann, an EFF senior staff attorney and the organization's expert in intellectual property law. He said Apple's claims that jailbroken iPhones could bring down a carrier's tower software was just a hypothetical game. "None of this has ever happened [with jailbroken iPhones]," von Lohmann said. "You don't see the independent iPhone stores filled with malicious software tools. Instead, they're filled with the software that Apple has refused to offer in its App Store. If we had to live under this kind of regime for computers, consumers would rebel," said von Lohmann. "This isn't about stopping attacks, it's about Apple and AT&T trying to lock out other programs. I can't imagine anything that's any more blatantly anti-competitive.""

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