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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 15 declined, 3 accepted (18 total, 16.67% accepted)


Submission + - New defense for Libel in Canada (

selven writes: In an effort to reduce so called "libel chill", the effect that reduces journalists' willingness to pursue controversial stories, the Supreme Court of Canada has created a new defense for libel: as long as journalists or bloggers take steps to ensure fairness and are acting in the public interest, they have some leeway in making factual errors. This has been widely hailed as a major victory for freedom of speech in Canada. One Ontario lawyer comments that "had this new defence not been established we'd have been in the Dark Ages".

Submission + - How do you see Slashdot's friend system? 5

selven writes: I've recently gained an interest in Slashdot's skeletal social networking system, which allows people to flag other users as friends and foes and view these relationships. What do you think of this system? How do you use it and what do you see its purpose as being? One of its effects is that it allows people to join together based on their political affiliations, such as libertarianism, views on copyright, views on criminal justice, etc. However, political affiliation has a very large number of dimensions and there are some people some of whose posts I read nodding my head every second of the way while vehemently disagreeing with some of their other posts. Doesn't this make the community more divisive, or is there some other meaning I haven't thought of?

Submission + - Poll: How much money do you make annually?

selven writes: 1) $1000-$29999
2) $30000-$59999
3) $60000-$99999
4) $100000-$999999
5) I'm a millionaire
6) below $1000 (I'm too young for that sort of thing)
7) below $1000 (I'm too old for that sort of thing)
8) below $1000 (currently unemployed)
9) below $1000 (I subsistence farm/barter/my salary comes in food directly)

Submission + - Are schoolchildren doing better than ever? (

selven writes: Very often we, on Slashdot and in many other places, hear people decrying the current state of the educational system, and protesting the latest attempt to dumb down education. However, here is another take on the issue — yes, schools are bad, but we are viewing the past through rose-colored goggles. Although many students are failing their courses, the amount of failure is decreasing, and some schools are even scaling back their remedial programs. We should, instead of focusing on the negatives, focus on the success — how many students didn't bring a gun or a drug to school and how many did their homework; we should focus on the successful students who graduate early and with top marks and will be joining the frontier of science, not the students who shoot up dozens of classmates culminating years of ostracization and depression.

Submission + - Canadian chief criticizes critics of antiterrorism (

selven writes: The director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service chastised those critical of Canada's efforts to fight terrorism. "Many of our opinion leaders have come to see the fight against terrorism not as defending democracy and our values, but as attacking them. Almost any attempt to fight terrorism by the government is portrayed as an overreaction or an assault on liberty" director Fadden explained. He believes that terrorism is the ultimate attack on liberty, and attacks the way the media supposedly treats terrorists as heroes, making terrorist connections a badge of honor in the fight against what Fadden believes the media believes is the real enemy — the government.

This lack of understanding of why modern anti-terrorist policies are often criticized is not excusable anywhere and it is vitally important that we criticize this ignorance before Canada's conservative government (the one that hired this director) puts more restrictive and misguided policies into law.


Submission + - Google Chrome OS Leaks (

selven writes: The browser for Google's upcoming Chrome operating system has been accidentally put up for download, and some people got it before it was taken down, and it is now freely available on the internet. The browser is a somewhat reskinned version of Chrome with some key new features — a clock and a (nonfunctional in the leaked build) wireless internet utility at the top right, suggesting that the browser will take up the entire screen in the OS.

If you are interested in trying out the browser, you can find it here, although only Debian and Ubuntu users can install the package.

Submission + - Iran's nuclear ambitions (

selven writes: "Following Iran's revelation regarding its secret nuclear enrichment plant, western leaders are banding together against it, saying that it violates Articles 2 and 3 of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and suggesting serious sanctions against the country if it refuses to back down on its uranium enrichment program. Iran maintains that it nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only and that it's not fair for the US to be criticizing them in this way while having thousands of nuclear warheads."

Submission + - RIAA's elementary school copyright curriculum ( 2

selven writes: In a blatant attempt devoid of any subtlety the RIAA is fighting for the hearts and minds of our chilldren with its Music Rules, a collection of education materials on how to respect copyright. It includes vocabulary such as "counterfeit recordings, DMCA notice, "Grokster" ruling, legal downloading, online piracy, peer-to-peer file sharing, pirate recordings, songlifting, and US copyright law." with no mention whatsoever of fair use. Compounding the bias, it includes insights such as that taking music without paying for it is "songlifting", and that making copies for personal use and then playing them while your friends come over is illegal. On the bright side, it includes math which shows that the total damages from copyright infringement by children in the US amount to a measly $7.8 million.

Submission + - Adobe: Flash will survive HTML5 (

selven writes: At Google's developer conference last month, VP of engineering Vic Gundotra declared that "the Web has won" and suggested that emerging open Web standards such as HTML 5 have become the preferred platform to create Web applications, even graphically rich ones. Adobe begs to differ. Its Flash platform remains the de facto standard for rich Internet applications, and the company would be happy for that situation to continue. To make sure that happens, some from Adobe are expressing doubts about HTML 5.

During a recent investor conference call, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen dismissed HTML 5 as being unable to deliver a consistent user experience across different Web browsers and predicted that a decade will pass before the specification gets standardized. "The fragmentation of browsers makes Flash even more important rather than less important," he said. Adobe has to put on a brave face in public, but the company appears to be increasingly worried about the future of Flash. Perhaps with good reason: Google's demonstration at its developer conference of a YouTube prototype built with HTML 5 rather than Flash offers a warning of what could come.


Submission + - Madoff Sentenced to 150 Years (

selven writes: Bernard Madoff's victims gasped and cheered when he was sentenced to 150 years in prison, but they walked away knowing little more about how he carried out the biggest robbery in Wall Street history. In one of the most dramatic courtroom conclusions to a corporate fraud case, the 71-year-old swindler was unemotional as he was berated by distraught investors during the 90-minute proceeding.

Many former clients had hoped he would shed more light on his crime and explain why he victimized so many for so long. But he did not. Madoff called his crime "an error of judgment" and his "failure," reiterating previous statements that he alone was responsible for the $65 billion investment fraud. His victims said they did not hear much new from Madoff in his five-minute statement. They also said they did not believe anything he said. As he handed down the maximum penalty allowed, U.S. District Judge Denny Chin indicated that he did not think Madoff had been fully candid or cooperative with authorities still investigating the fraud and what happened to investors' billions.

"I simply do not get the sense that Mr. Madoff has done all that he could or told all that he knows," Chin said.

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