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Comment Re:Feynman coming home to roost (Score 1) 156

So one has to wonder,

Even the worst case scenarios didn't see us pumping out the amount of CO2 which we are pumping out at the moment

What were these CO2 numbers and their measurable impact during the Age of Coal? When London had a deadly fog? Or During WWII ? When Industry planet wide was not only churning out aircraft, bombs, tanks, and summarily attempting to burn as much fuel getting to point a to point b as quickly as possible to set everyone's crap on fire?

How can our level of much more efficient industry and not destroying everything we get our hands on ever top the levels of "Carbon Emissions" that came from producing factories building all these weapons of destruction and subsequent burning of factories, sinking of ships, And their associated oil spills?

Surely something like that would have left a mark we could record?

Gore created all this crap to profit from it. Here's a clip from the Environment and public works committee on what that was said there:

Bottom line though, is global warming will continue to exist as long as there's money to be made from it.


Comment Re:Over private property? (Score 1) 733

I wonder how far they thought they would get flying a small craft a bit larger and slower than a pigeon, over an area that's had people successfully shooting pigeons??

I wish I could have been there to hear that debate:

1. "Hey they are shooting pigeons"
2. "Wow, that's a pretty tough target to hit"
1. "Yea, lets fly something loud, slow and bigger to capture evidence of the shooting".
2. "Show we film it?"
1. "Nah..."

Comment Re:What the fuck (Score 2) 361

My advice would be to just look for the one with the best documentation, because as a newbie that's your biggest problem

So this definitively rules out Oracle...

I will add Cast to that list also. Personally I Love VMWare. It has free licences, it's easy for people just starting out without sacrificing more advanced features.

There are some parts of VMware that cost though, but I can live with out them.

Comment Re:Does *any* industry start a new union anymore? (Score 1) 761

Mod Up. This is true.

Googled "care provider forced to join union"

How the Forced Unionization of Day Care and Home Health Care Providers Took Place


Comment Re:Did I miss his point? (Score 1) 42

If Engineered correctly;

- There will be no single point of failure.
- A failure registers as an amber light on a server
- Tech gets the notice.
- Dell is called and they fix it.

[quote]If running your own hardware was bottom-line effective, there wouldn't be so much migration towards cloud solutions.[/quote]

I can't account for the power of good marketing, FUD and hype. I think it's largely due to people not thinking things through, and engineers that want a magick box, or an easy button.

Comment Re:Did I miss his point? (Score 5, Interesting) 42

Because it's a waste of time.

Rackspace is trying to keep everyone focused on the hype of the cloud, to keep racking in your dough.

One "Cloud Server" with 16Gig of Ram and 4 Procs with rackspace would cost me $700+ .

I can get a third of a cabinet from CoreNap for less than $400 Month. I can fill that space with vastly more powerful hardware for about 5k. ( Shopping Smart )

Now lets do the math assuming a hardware life cycle of 5 years.
400 x 12 == 4,800 ( one year )
4,800 * 5 == 24,000 ( Five years )

hardware: $5,000
52 weeks in a year times 5 years == 260 weeks.

Spread the cost of the hardware over 5 years. ( Cash outright or lease )
$5,000 / 260 weeks. == .01923 per week for the hardware.

Not worth adding to the 24,000 you will spend over the next 5 years, compared to the 42,000 you will spend for a single inferior server instance at Rackspace.

And you're not eliminating engineers by going to the cloud. You still need admins.

- Dan.

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
