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Comment Re:It's their business model. (Score 1) 311

it's really just a matter of Apple deciding to deliberately cripple the browser to prevent people from providing apps for free.

And other browsers as well... Safari is an Apple app, installed and updated from the iOS installations and as such has an unfair advantage in terms of OS resources. Just use and compare Safari and Chrome on the iPhone...

Comment Rigor and developments (Score 4, Interesting) 383

The most complex program running on a machine is arguably its OS, especially the kernel. Linux (kernel) reached the top level in terms of performance, reliability and versatility. You have been criticized quite a few times for some virulent mails addressed to developers. Do you think Linux would be where it is without managing the project with an iron fist? To go further, do you think some other main OSS project would beneficiate from a more rigorous management approach?

Submission + - NSA eavesdropped on the last three French presidents: WikiLeaks (

Earthquake Retrofit writes: The New York Times is reporting that WikiLeaks has released "...material which appeared to capture officials in Paris talking candidly about Greece's economy, relations with Germany — and, ironically, American espionage... It came a day before the French Parliament is expected to definitively pass a controversial security bill legalizing broad surveillance, particularly of terrorism suspects."

Comment Re:Amen brother! (Score 3, Insightful) 424

Google indeed does customize you search phrase to keep and change what He thinks is better for your needs. And indeed, adding double quotes around the words / expressions you want want Him to include does help. And, indeed, this is sometimes utterly annoying.
This being said, however, I'm usually impressed by the quality of the search algorithm, by the quality of the words and expressions synonyms Google injects into the search to give you even more relevant results. Try to use another SE for a couple of days...
And regarding your languages problems, maybe try to sign in, then visit the "Search settings" page...

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