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Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 129

That is entirely true. And I had spent a long time looking at ePaper devices. Unfortunately, the devices I was looking at turned out to be far more expensive than comparable tablets, and with ePaper you were locked into only reading books. (Or view web pages, email, etc, assuming they even provided that functionality). I didn't want to be restricted to just books, so I went with the tablet instead.

Some company in India actually came up with a design similar to what you describe. I forget the name now, but they called the display a Qi Display. The last time I looked into it, there were issues with quality, so I stopped paying attention.

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 129

I don't know if you read books or anything on your devices, but I've found that reading on an iPad Air to be *significantly* better than my previous devices. Less strain to read, I can make the text smaller without it getting blurry.

I didn't see the point in high density displays either until I took the same pdf on an older and a newer device side by side. The different is striking.

Of course, if you don't use your device for such things, then I agree, the higher density doesn't grant you much.

Comment Missing the point (Score 2) 265

The OP is missing the point. Of *course* you can automate updates. You don't even need an automation system. It can be as simple as writing a bash script.

The point is... what happens when something goes wrong? If all goes well, then there's no problem. But if something does go wrong, you no longer have anyone able to respond because nobody's paying attention. So you come in the next morning with a down server and a clusterf__k on your hands.

Comment Re:Faith in God (Score 2, Interesting) 299

Science doesn't try to turn homosexuals straight. Religion does.

I have yet to see a war declared where a faction says, "Science is on our side!" Religion most definitely does.

Science doesn't encourage people to be stupid and proud of it. Religion actively *discourages* critical thinking. There are plenty of studies out there showing strong correlations between religion and education levels. (Yes, I know there are plenty of examples of this to the contrary, but these people are few and far between)

Science doesn't convince people that they should deny their children life-saving therapies. There are tons of people who have allowed their children to die because things as simple as a blood transfusion is anathema.

What's the phrase? Bad people do bad things, but religion makes good people do bad things.

So yes, we *need* to be bigoted against religion. Religion has been the direct cause of so much damage and pain in this world that it *deserves* to be hated.

Comment Re:Apples and Oranges (Score 5, Insightful) 186

As I don't have mod points, I'll just reply and say that you are correct, and it's not limited to just that.

There have already been documented incidents where people in Canada have been denied entry into the states just because they went into a hospital a decade ago for depression.

Unlike StreetView, it has *already* been demonstrated that easy access to health information will guarantee abuse.

Comment How is that the "security industry's" problem? (Score 1) 205

This has nothing to do with the security industry, and everything to do with people who prefer to buy the cheapest product rather than a better quality product.

Further, this will continue to happen as long as the software industry maintains it's age-ist view that 'younger is better'. Younger people are not going to have the experience level of older people, which means they will be much more likely to make all sorts of mistakes that older people (who had also made those mistakes when they were younger, but learned from them) won't.

Between the two, there is simply no hope at all that we can have products that are anything more than mediocre quality.

Comment At those prices? (Score 1) 26

How exactly is 1500-15000 worth of equipment 'hobbyists'? And that's on top of the money you've already spent on getting a 3d printer.

Then again, if you've got the disposable income to buy a 3d printer, just for fun, then I suppose these kits are equally cheap.

What would be nice would be if they could come up with *cheap* robots of this calibre. Like, a robotic version of the raspberry pi. That way those of us who arn't rich can still enjoy them and learn about more advanced robotics than a 3 wheeled soup can that follows lines.

Comment Or maybe... (Score 1) 309

Just adapt existing languages so that they run inside web containers?

There are currently several HUNDRED different programming languages available right now. Why the fuck do we need more? Why does everyone feel the need to crank out new 'languages', when 90% of them are just derivatives of existing stuff and don't actually provide anything of value apart from making things that much more difficult for developers in general?

We need *less* languages, not more. Software quality has gotten really bad over the past few years, in large part because there are so many people out there who think that they're a programmer just because they know how to write a couple lines of code with the latest language du jour, and others just nod their head and accept it because it's 'new' and therefore 'better'.

Call me a fogey if you want, but tell me this... If you knew that every building you walked into, or every bridge you drove over, was created with yet another measurement system because the previous one was 'old and busted', or used brand new materials solely because the materials were new, how comfortable would you be?

Comment Re:Well, no. (Score 1) 249

While not as super-fine grained as google's permission system, they do allow you to choose what permissions you want to grant to individual application. You can even change your mind later.

There does not appear to be a shortage of apps on the Apple app store.

The idea that Google needs devs to fill up their app store is bogus. They're the dominant phone OS, by far. Developers need them, not the other way around. All this does is re-enforce the idea that we are not Google's customers. The advertisers and data miners are.

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