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Comment Re:Anecdotal Example (Score 1) 120

That's bizarre... How in the world does something like that happen?

Of course, as a general rule I don't apply an Apple ID to the initial user of the machine, because I save that to serve as an emergency admin user, so that's probably why I haven't noticed.

You wouldn't happen to know the specific version of yosemite your machine came with? (Guessing 10.10.1?)

Thanks for sharing.

Comment Re:So to cicumvent the screen locker... (Score 4, Funny) 375

Reminds me of my university days...

When someone walked away for an extended period without locking their terminal, one of us would sneak over and do a quick 'xhost +' and then wait for them to come back.

Once they sit down and start working again, we would run 2 dozen copies of neko on their terminal, resulting in a mass of little animated kittens chasing their mouse cursor.

Ah, the lost days of innocent fun.

Comment My experience with systemd (Score 3, Informative) 553

1. "What the hell is with these new commands? Great, now I have to learn a whole new way of administration cause people had to change something that was never broken."
2. "Where's all the init files? How am I supposed to configure anything? I don't have time for this..."
3. "Everything is done with service descriptors? Okay..."
4. "So wait, I no longer have to write massive shell scripts that manage the entire process lifecycle, or scour google in the hope that someone else has already written said script so I don't have to?"
5. "Wow, I never realized how much I hated dealing with init scripts until I didn't have to anymore. This is SO much cleaner!"
6. "Whoa, I can monitor and control entire *heirarchies* of dependant services from one command? That's pretty damn slick..."

I still don't completely understand systemd, but now that I'm getting a handle on it, I find it conceptually and functionally cleaner, and more rigorous than the old init system. The downsides are that it's new and therefore has a learning curve, and that it blackboxes the actual service controller which is going to piss off anyone with an ounce of control-freakery in them.

Comment Re:Makes sense. (Score 1) 629

Case in point... Apple still supports their iPhone 4s, which was released over 3 years ago.

Compared to pretty much every other phone company out there, that's nothing short of phenomenal. The support policy for most android manufacturers is 'buy our next model'.

I find it hilarious that it's so fashionable to slag Apple despite them being leaps and bounds better than everyone else for support.

Comment Re:The beast and the hero (Score 1) 640

I completely agree with what you say, and these kludges are indeed a problem, they at least had some level of logic to them. You could understand why they did it, even if you disagree that it was necessary to do so.

Add to that that sometimes you HAVE to bypass the API, because the API is either incomplete, or intentionally hamstrung to put competitors at a disadvantage (Microsoft being a perfect example). The hacking situation is not black and white.

But what I'm talking about is the kind of stuff you can find on The Daily WTF ( These sorts of things are a depressingly common occurrence.

Comment Segregate mail like the good ol' days (Score 1) 49

I personally don't understand the need to have system-wide access to email in a moment's notice. Is email not obscenely pervasive enough already?

I disable it from my spotlight preferences as a matter of course.

For that matter, I don't even use the default Mail app that comes with OSX cause it has a couple odd behaviours that tend to drive me nuts, so I'm using PostBox instead. Good ol' fashioned indexing and searching, as god intended.

Comment Re:MicroSD card? (Score 1) 325

"2. However in case you need to have your Contacts or Calendars information synchronized separately, you can use third-party Caldav/Carddav applications. Please check the configuration process below:"

So basically your choice is to use activesync, assuming the server you are using supports it, or you have to use a 3rd party tool to use actual carddav/caldav support.

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