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Comment Reducing delays? (Score 1) 83

Satalite based communications always had a decent delay.

"Factoring in other normal delays from network sources gives a typical one-way connection latency of 500–700 ms from the user to the ISP, or about 1,000–1,400 milliseconds latency for the total Round Trip Time (RTT) back to the user. "

Comment Social Inequality in Action (Score 2, Insightful) 344

What about the 40 year old guy who works full time and goes to classes in the evening? Is he not paying his fair share by being an otherwise typical citizen of Pittsburgh? I see quite a few people that fit the scenario where I go, which has only increased due to the economy. So the county sheriff that wants a justice degree to get a pay raise has to pay the city an extra $400 to do so? What about the single mom that barely has time to go to school between raising a kid and working two jobs? She's now paying her fair share? This is social inequality in action.

Comment Emailahol?! (Score 1) 95

I know that many people can get addicted to Chocolahol, but I wasn't aware of there being a substance called Emailahol.

Aside from that, there a many harder substances, such as Twitterhol, and Textahol. Perhaps, Emailahol is a gateway addiction to worse habbits?

On that note, stop adding "aholic" as a suffix to things to describe addiction. We don't call nicotine addicts, Nicoholics! Nor, do we call heroin addicts, heroinaholics.

Comment Luck of the draw (Score 1) 146

I'm sure the application review process works much like tech support.
Sometimes you get a helpful individual, and sometimes you get a total jerk.
I'm guessing it's not a collective decision by Apple, but an individual or a few people that just happened to have that opinion of the app.
That would certainly explain how the app approval process appears to be very arbitrary.

Comment Private T1/T3/etc Lines? (Score 2, Insightful) 446

I'm wondering what the implications are for private T1 lines. My company has a pipe from the US to the UK. Would those communications be logged also, or are they just talking about the usual ISP stuff, like cable, DSL, dial-up, etc? What about satellite based internet service? What about VPN tunneling? Would they require access to that communication level as well?

Comment I hate online courses (Score 1) 469

I attend Kent State University, where some courses are only available as online classes. From experience, I've learned that online classes lack the structure and interaction that allows the students to absorb information. Even further, most of these online classes, have been poorly run, with no real quality control. In fact, I'm taking one right now, and the professor has not posted an assignment since Feburary. There is no recourse that can be taken, as the professor can neglect to check messages, as opposed to a physical classroom, where I can say "Hey, you're not following the syllabus".

The other issue revolving around online courses is the consitency of use. Each professor will use the system in an entirely different way than the next. I have two online courses this semester, and they both use completely different web applications. The one I had to take last year used a system entirely different from the two this year. These differences cause a lack of consistency in how information is given to the students. One professor will post links in a buried section of the application, while another will post flash animations somewhere else.

Then you get into technical issues. One class I have requires me to upload my work to a server system that relies on frontpage extensions for the connectivity. Why should I have to use Visual Studio or something along those lines to upload PHP files?! To top that, the login credentials are handled differently at each campus. This web course happens to be based out of the Trumbull campus. I had to call their IT office to get credentials set up.

What does a classroom provide that is better than web courses? Consistency, you go to the room, you interact, and learn. There is an auditory concept at work here as well. I retain information the best at lectures, where I can look at the professor talking and listen to the material. Not to mention, it's nice to interact with your peers instead of being isolated in front of your computer.


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SpuriousLogic writes: Europe's innovative Goce satellite has switched on the super-sensitive instrument that will make ultra-fine measurements of Earth's gravity. The sophisticated gradiometer will feel the subtle variations in Earth's tug as it sweeps around the globe. The spacecraft has also fired up the British-built engine that will help maintain its orbit. As Goce "bumps" through Earth's gravity field, the accelerometers will sense fantastically small disturbances — as small as one part in 10,000,000,000,000 of the gravity experienced at the Earth's surface.

Submission + - Scientists start mapping the brain (

Raindance writes: "A team at the University of Utah has unveiled a system to map and digitize brain tissue, fulfilling one of the long-standing holy grails of neuroscience and enabling for the first time in-depth analysis of how mammalian neural networks function. So far maps for the entire retina and related neural networks have been released; no ETA on a full-brain digital reconstruction yet. And yes, one of the lead authors reads Slashdot."

Submission + - 45th anniversary of the mainframe

jacobsm writes: "Today, April 7th is the 45 anniversary of the announcement of the IBM System 360. This computer is the foundation of all current mainframe computer systems. Some other historic events in 1964 were, Ford motor company introduced the Ford Mustang on April 17 and Stanley Kubrick had lunch with Arthur C. Clarke at Tavern on the Green in NYC to discuss the possibility of making the "definitive science fiction movie".....the result was "2001: A Space Odyssey". A PDF describing the history of IBM mainframe computing is at"

Submission + - SPAM: USTR Releases Information on Secret Piracy Pact

narramissic writes: "Change is afoot at The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). New details have been released about an anticounterfeiting trade agreement that has been discussed in secret among the U.S., Japan, the European Union and other countries since 2006. Although the six-page summary provides little in the way of specific detail about the current state of negotiations, the release represents a change in policy at the USTR, which had argued in the past that information on the trade pact was 'properly classified in the interest of national security.'"
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