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Comment Re:Over the air (Score 1) 342

The problem is that if they don't complain about this and try to shut it down what's to stop cable companies from doing to same thing and stop paying billions a year in retransmission fees? The TV industry makes a shitload of money from cable TV providers. They certainly do not want to see that revenue stream dry up.

Comment Re:Not sure how I feel about this one (Score 1) 342

Unlikely to happen, despite them saying it's something they might do. There are millions of people that use antennas to watch broadcast TV. Killing the OTA feeds would be cutting off their noses to spite their faces, especially if they think doing so is going to drive people to start paying for cable TV.

Comment Re:Would we... (Score 1) 824

No, the implication was that a comparison between prop 8 and the KKK is invalid because the KKK has routinely partaken in the deaths of black people while prop 8 has not. I rejected this assertion because the reality is that gay people are murdered for being gay, and while prop 8 may not be directly responsible for these actions, anything that promotes discrimination also fosters the attitude that it's ok to beat up or kill someone you perceive to be gay. It's not.

But nice try on the strawman argument. Better luck next time.

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