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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 11 declined, 1 accepted (12 total, 8.33% accepted)


Submission + - ADSL user accounts stolen from MWEB (

pinkushun writes: Earlier this week a hacker named "Louis McCarty" posted a message on "Another day another pwn". He then briefly lists the "ISP sekuritY" (sic) issues followed by a list of ~2000 ADSL account passwords, all of which are uncapped business accounts. The accounts in question have single sign-on enabled for now. It seems like people are getting tired of expensive bandwidth in South Africa and the crippling monopoly Telkom had until last year, despite uncapped ADSL made available in March 2010.

Submission + - Open Sarcasm fighting copyrighted punctuation ( 1

pinkushun writes: SarcMark is a copyrighted punctuation mark, that claims "It's time that sarcasm is treated equally!", pretty damn cheeky while they're charging for their software, which only inserts their punctuation through a hotkey. Open Sarcasm is destroying SarcMark by advocating a new punctuation mark (not displaying here properly — alt+U0161) as the new open and free sarcasm symbol.
Either way, this will be one interesting turnout. With bad unicode support across the web, displaying the characters properly might be an issue. PS Left out sarcastic end sentence as /. doesn't display the U0161 character.


Submission + - TSQL bug returns wrong row ID's (

pinkushun writes: A TSQL bug causes SCOPE_IDENTITY() and @@IDENTITY to return incorrect values when a parallel query plan is generated. The original report, filed Feb 2008, includes a script to recreate this behaviour. After confirming this bug a month later, users became quite upset that Microsoft reported that "we can't fix this for SQL 2008." (and not in 2005 either). Two years later and there is still no resolution. I'm worried since client-server systems is my bread and butter.

Submission + - Misa Digital MIDI Guitar (

pinkushun writes: The Misa digital MIDI guitar, created by a software engineer, Michael, replaces the strings with 144 keycaps to control the notes, and a touch screen LCD controls up to 4 MIDI parameters. It runs Linux kernel 2.6.31 with a stripped down version of Gentoo. See the site for more details, and a demo video of it in action.

Submission + - RICA turns South Africa into Orwellian society

pinkushun writes: The RICA ACT came into effect on July 1 2009 in South Africa, which will allow your voice calls, 3G data transmission, text & MMS messages to be monitored & recorded, without a court order! This is obviously a faux legal act to be used and abused by the corrupt government, and living in this country does give you a real perspective of what is possible. The official statement mentions that "both prepaid and contract would be required to show proof of identity to be registered". With the majority of prepaid users being teens between 13 and 21, registering will be problematic, to say the least. Read more of the local opinions here

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