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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 10 declined, 3 accepted (13 total, 23.08% accepted)


Submission + - Implications of Peak Oil for Global Warming.

msevior writes: "The OilDrum is running a story about a paper by Climate expert Jim Hansen, who examines the implications of the finite reserves of Oil, Gas and Coal on the total Global Warming effect. He finds that conservative (large) estimates of the total world Oil and Gas reserves place substantial constraints on the eventual CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. However unrestrained use of coal will put the world into dangerous a warming scenario."

Submission + - Implications of Peak Oil for Global Warming.

msevior writes: "Noted Climate expert Jim Hansen, examines the implications of the finite reserves of Oil, Gas and Coal on the total Global Warming effect. He finds that conservative (large) estimates of the total world Oil and Gas reserves place substantial constraints on the eventual CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. However unrestrained use of coal will put the world into dangerous a warming scenario."

Submission + - Saudi Arabian Oil production in terminal decline

msevior writes: "The The Oil Drum is running a detailed analysis of all the publically available data surrounding the world's largest oil field, Ghawar in Saudi Arabia. The analysis finds a large fraction of the field is in terminal decline which explains why Saudi Arabia has been decreasing Oil Production over the past year, despite the substantial run up in Oil Prices. With Saudi Arabia in terminal decline it is likely the world has passed Peak Oil production."

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