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Comment Re:Operating at 20W gives zero improvement. (Score 0) 114

South bridge is pretty cheap: . I guess the mobo would be simpler too giving you more savings but I don't think it would do it. Still say $300 for a crappy AMD based system and $500 for a 2X faster intel system: other than the dirt poor I know which one I'd recommend. Anyone using a computer for more than a glorified smartphone has time with a value. It doesn't take many minutes throughout the year to equal the cost difference. IMO you are almost guaranteed for professional use that all but the top end $5000 gaming rigs will earn their money back in their lifetime in employee productivity/retention.

Comment Re:Operating at 20W gives zero improvement. (Score 1) 114

I agree. But they haven't really been competitive in the desktop market for about 7 years. I hope they do better because I'm not a fan of monopolies. Strictly on price isn't the way to go IMO. Other than the most basic users (secretaries, store clerks and the like) I think the computer as a tool to do work well it never pays to be (far) off the current best of breed. AMD has been in the bargain basement i7 territory for a while. I'm not convinced this architecture is going to do it though. We'll see.

Comment Re: To answer your question (Score 1) 279

Also if you are buying mainstream hardware not building your own things are much closer. Ex: Dell XPS using i7 4770k I think. If you compare that to the ~2500 upgraded i7 version of a macbook pro they are only about 200 points difference between the CPU mark scores. Sure the mac has a newer CPU but that might be the way of things: laptops get updated every year or so but desktops are allowed to age their way into budget market and then sit their for a couple years before the manufacturer finally has to make a new "premium" PC. If you build your own you can do better but personally messing with hardware isn't my thing and I just don't care enough (as I'd guess the majority of people).

Comment Re: To answer your question (Score 1) 279

Laptop manufacturers have you but the short hairs because if you want to do work while mobile they really are the best option. Since (at least till the last say 10 years) business was the main reason for the devices margins could be a bit higher. Anyways it isn't like they just said: hey lets make a low powered device. There are more thermal and energy considerations in something that has to sit on your lap, be thin and run on a battery versus a big honking box, not touching you that has continual access to power.

Comment Re:Pesticides for humans (Score 4, Informative) 224

Your recollection does not align with history. DDT was far from the first significant agricultural pesticide.

In the real world, pesticides and specifically insecticides date back thousands of years. Sulfur was burned to produce a noxious gas, and various naturally occurring substances, biological and mineral, were gathered and used. Hydrogen cyanide gas was used to fumigate citrus trees in California in the 1880s. Zyklon A, which was a compound designed to release hydrogen cyanide on the application of heat and water for pesticidal purposes, dates back to before WW1. It was banned after a similar compound was used as a chemical weapon in WW1.

Zyklon-B was a cyanide-based pesticide with an irritant additive to serve as a warning, dating back to the early 1920s. It was used for delousing clothes and controlling pests in ships, warehouses and trains. It was co-opted for more infamous purposes later. One of the inventors was executed in 1946 for knowingly providing the substance to a certain evil state actor.

Organophosphates were used as pesticides, followed shortly by use as nerve "gases".

Comment Re:Network layer and education (Score 2) 260

My parents could have blocked porn all day long and it wouldn't have affected my interest in the slightest. Naked girls doing naughty things? Yes please.

IMO by the time kids are old enough to care they are old enough to jerk off. Please get rid of the belt-buckle hats and let Puritans live on only on our cereal boxes.

Comment Re:The best trick (Score 1) 260

Can you control the content they access when they are over at their friends place? "Many ways to access the web": yeah if you let them. Kids don't have a God given right to game consoles that are web connected, or cellphones, or tablets or ... IMO parents often supply all the above because they are a) in capable of saying no to their kids and/or the "great deal" being offered for a family plan, b) similar to a) don't want their kids to do anything they don't want to so boring them by making them sit on the lawn while you garden or whatever is out of the question and c) having their kids amuse themselves for a few hours at a time means they can go off and do something they want to do. Regardless kids have many ways of accessing the internet because you've provided them with them.

With proxy servers etc by the time the kids are old enough to care they are probably old enough to find away around parental controls. The only thing I really care about is kids access to chat rooms and such where people might pray on them, but them watching a porn star getting a train ran on them and jerking off in my mind that is better than them being outside being the caboose of a real train.

Comment Re:It was always just a matter of time... (Score 1) 116

Few years back I ended up with a connecting flight that returned though NY to Toronto. No layover (actually had to run between flights because there was only 30min between flights). So here I was with little time to spare. Then I find out the US wants you to go through customs even if you aren't staying in the country. When I saw the finger print reader I literally said: "I don't want to stay in your hell whole and you aren't getting my finger prints". They didn't scan me. Not sure if they are more accommodating of throw flights, I had a lax TSA person or what. But just as a matter of principle I'd grab a flight back to europe and get home a different way if it meant I could avoid giving the man my finger prints (don't know that it would).

Anyways sad to see Canada go the way of big brother. Canada is like the Bush administration ... except he never left office.

Comment Re:Net Neutrality (Score 1) 112

I'm missing something here how does making p2p use local nodes violate net neutrality? p2p by definition has a lot of distributed nodes. Other sorts of traffic have a single or at least a relatively few number of nodes. If I have to take a lot of hops to get to my content I sure as hell don't want a lot of p2p traffic sharing my pipes when they could be feed locally. I'm not harmed but helped, p2p users aren't harmed but helped. Who loses?

Comment Re:Whoa (Score 1) 129

We don't get our UPS deliveries until after 12 noon.

My UPS _never_ comes before 7pm. These guys drive a long, long route carrying a zillion packages to a zillion destinations. Did you suppose they call a driver, hand him one package, and tell him to hurry up and take it straight to your place?

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
