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Comment It looks a bit verbose, but... (Score 1) 644

when you're right, you're right. ... but you have to wonder if we really shouldn't embrace the whole DevOps thing and just program our "scripts" in a real language such as Python. (Or Perl for that matter, I just happen to like the "subprocess" Python package for extremely simple unix-like automation.)

Comment So... (Score 4, Insightful) 226

So what particular one thing does SysV init do well in your opinion? I honestly can't think of a single thing. It's crappy at managing services, it's crappy at running shell scripts (as witness by the non-standardness of init.d scripts), it's shit at managing running services with interdependencies (inittab), it's shit at dynamically reconfiguring systems (e.g. network reconfiguration for Wifi.), etc. etc.

There's a reason alternatives were created, y'know.

Comment Yes, they're separate (Score 3, Informative) 214

Dark matter conerns the "missing" (i.e. never observed directly) mass in the universe, which has despite its "invisibility" been observed indirectly; for example look up Bullet Cluster on Wikipedia.

Dark energy concerns what it is that is causing the expansion of space-time (and consequently) the universe itself.

Comment Re:Sex discrimination. (Score 1) 673

End result: the US with it's huge positive discrimination drive has the situation where men and women appear to compete opn an equal footing.

You really need to find a citation for that because if it's true it would be hugely interesting!

(Btw: I think the gender divide is basically universal. There have even been studies showing that women discriminate against women based on gender -- even when interviewing for positions which the women-doing-the-discriminating were occupying. It sounds absurd, but frankly I think social conditioning goes even further than this!)

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