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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 9 declined, 1 accepted (10 total, 10.00% accepted)


Submission + - Stop The Bank Bailouts!

avandesande writes: We the undersigned Americans, being part of the 80% of America that did not participate in nor profit from the immense fraud and Ponzi Investment of the last eight years, insist that you, our representatives in Congress, stop trying to bail people out and further sink our economy and Nation into a morass of debt!
We understand that the situation is bad. We "get it" that there are a lot of people who are facing foreclosure. We know that the economy is not doing well, and likely will get worse before it gets better.

I know that finance isn't considered a 'geek' subject, but it is the lifeblood of everything we do. Please educate yourselves on what has been going on the last several years; IMHO it has much to do with what has been happening with the war in Iraq and our right to privacy.

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