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Comment Re:just what we all love (Score 1) 243

The tax raise can be dealt with in several ways or a combination of all:
1) decrease outgoings (cost of raw materials, cost of staff)
2) decrease outgoings (dividends to shareholders)
3) increase incomings (raise prices).

Where there is a monopoly (or similar types of market failure such as oligopoly) most of the tax raise will be dealt with by 3).

If there is a competitive market then the tax raise will fall somewhat on 1) and 2) as well.

This is one reason that breaking up monopolies is so important.

Comment Re:Typing (Score 1) 302

Agree one hundred percent, typing has been given short shrift. In 8th grade we had a whole year of typing on IBM Selectrics. In addition to touch typing we learned a lot about proper letter formats and things of that nature. I am sure they could throw in a lot of relevant stuff about word processing software, but they don't offer typing now- at least at my children's school.

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