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Comment Re:Disturbing (Score 2) 331

Sure, they should have known better than to voluntarily sign up for something they could not pay back. Thats easy for me to say being someone who's always had an aptitude for these things, but to a certain extent we've all failed to provide most high school graduates with the tools to be normal well adjusted and functional adults. The first time I learned to balance a checkbook was when I got a checking account, the first time I saw a car loan was when I bought my first car, the first time I learned how taxes worked was when I did my taxes for the first time. These are all things that should augment basic freshmen high school math classes as mandatory subjects you learn in public school before getting put into the wild, but they are not. I'm positive that I am not part of some minority that learned this on my own as an adult, and I am equally positive that there's a fair percentage of us who are just not as well equipped to learn this on their own, those are the ones that these types of organizations will pray on. The problem with just brushing these off is that there was predatory intent to financially exploit a subset of the population who are already in need and looking to make something better for themselves.

All that being said, I'm not necessarily in favor of this regulation. IMO it ignores the greater pre adulthood education issue.

Comment Re:So they got their reservation using deception? (Score 3, Informative) 1007

Does not appear to be deception, but rather no one bothered to ask what it was about in any detail. Additionally, it seems that the faculty does not really care...

University officials say they have no plans to interfere with the event. “Free speech is at the heart of academic freedom and is something we take very seriously,” said Kent Cassella, MSU’s associate vice president for communications, in a statement. “Any group, regardless of viewpoint, has the right to assemble in public areas of campus or petition for space to host an event so long as it does not engage in disorderly conduct or violate rules. While MSU is not a sponsor of the creation summit, MSU is a marketplace of free ideas.”

Comment Because they are in cahoots? (Score 1) 2

I mean, seriously, it's there any doubt left that most mainstream news outlets push their own half of the agenda for the machine? Assuming some did care.... look at what happened to yahoo or what's happening to Microsoft when they push back! Those are ( somewhat ) thriving companies, these are dying media giants who wouldn't have the same kind of financial resources to fight the regime, it's secret courts and it's legion of spy agencies. Additionally, they likely don't own enough if the infrastructure like a tech giant for it to even matter... I fully expect to one day find out the NSA has root certificate authorities and secret proxies anyway.

Comment let him experience the good and the bad (Score 1) 189

Can you share with me your experiences so I can give him real life examples to convince him to take this job?

No. It's better to learn what type of job you enjoy on your own. If he is talented he will be fine; maybe he will hate it and quit, maybe he will like it, who knows. If he likes it you'll just end up looking like an asshole. The important thing is he will probably learn and move on. There are good and bad jobs across industries in technology, I've had my share of both and I would never trade those personal experiences for someone else's opinion. They've given me more insight and experience about the industry than anyone could summarize for me. They have become part of how I interview and look for new jobs.

Comment Re:How Much Would What Cost? (Score 2, Insightful) 383

git doesn't need a central server.

Right... and by those standards neither does svn. Look man, I use git on my personal machine all the time, but it's a far cry from version control that a team can reliably utilize without a centralized component to it. Before you go on about git on a desktop machine please think about the implications. In general I think a central server should be baked into the costs for any revision control proposal, just because it can run on your desktop does not mean it should.

"What happened to my merge!?", "Oh sorry man, I rebooted"

Comment Re:Simple: By Communicating It (Score 3, Insightful) 186

"Are you seriously telling me that you are that unwilling to invest in a profession or trade that you intend to pursue for the rest of your life??"

I invest in my career daily, 15 years and counting now, I don't see certifications as any kind of meaningful investment. I've held top positions at small start ups on up to fortune 50 tech companies. I'm going to hire my engineers based on demonstrated real world experience. I agree with l0ungeb0y; get up there and show me something on a whiteboard or log into a vm and build something. If you have no experience put a cert on a resume, but they are no more than resume filler IMO. Certs are not even on the same playing field as real experience. Any monkey, with enough practice, can fill out the right bubbles on a sheet. Aside from entry level gigs, it takes real experience to ace a tech interview however.

My advice; Get a Linkedin account and setup a small website. Do a few gigs and get some positive reviews on your profile page. Go to your local chamber of commerce mixers and start networking. Do well and start building a reputation. Know what you can do, but more importantly know what you can't. You might need to start with small and cheap gigs to build a trust relationship before you'll start getting bigger ones. References and recommendations are golden.

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