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Comment Re:TEMPORARILY (Score 1) 874

I would think things like prestige, grants, awards, etc, anything to keep the money rolling in. These people are just as human as anyone else. The fact that these people were at the top of the heap in climate research probably means they were extraordinarily competitive also.That might be motivation to game the system to increase your edge. They had it going for a long time and might have thought they could still keep things under control. When you think you are on a winning streak, you don't think about it ending. It's often one little thing that brings it down. I don't gamble anymore. Too tempting to stay in the game and get one more good roll. I'm just saying everyone is human. Maybe they weren't running a scam on purpose but they certainly had group think going for them. Neither side is immune is the point.

Comment Re:Politics (Score 0, Offtopic) 874

You forgot government intervention :

Science: eating fatty food is bad for you Government: we outlaw them all

Science: oh, some fatty foods are good Government: we outlaw all other food !

Science: oh, some fatty foods are bad, some are good, depending on you Government: okay, seriously ... everybody alive is breaking the law. How could this possibly happen ? People simply have no respect for the laws anymore.

Science: ... Government: obviously the solution is more laws !

Offtopic? And the previous post he was responding to was not?

Comment Re:Extraordinary claims... (Score 1) 822

Do you think Hell, Michigan is named because its supposed to actually represent hell? Or maybe the real estate pimps of thousands of years ago, are exactly like now, when trailer parks are sometimes named 'Luxury Court'...

Oh, I used to live near there and I heard the story behind it. They were going to name it after some Congressman or such and, when they contacted him to tell him and invite him to visit, his response was "You can name it Hell for all I care!" so they did.

Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 822

However, one thing I did see was a list of signatures from people opposed to the climate change theory - almost all of whom had no science qualifications.

I really have no idea if you might have seen this or not but just trying to be helpful. These people seem to have some qualifications...

Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 822

How can you trust the food from the store if you're not the one making it?

I can look a the food and read the list of ingredients and judge for myself. I assume the raw data is printed on the box.

The mountains of research done on this is pretty clear about why it's happening. But I don't expect facts to get in the way of beliefs anytime soon. Be that as it may, why is not the important. The important questions, and the ones the climate scientists spend a lot of time working out, are how it's going to affect us and what we can do to prepare for it.

No, IMHO If it had been made clear there wouldn't be this all out war going on about it. Especially when the political ramifications are so great. They need to do a much clearer job. IANAS but there are glaring contradictions that need to be resolved.


FCC Mulling More Control For Electronic Media 176

A recent Notice of Inquiry from the FCC is looking for opinions on how the "evolving electronic media landscape" affects kids, and whether the FCC itself should have more regulatory control over such media. The full NOI (PDF) is available online. "FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski included a statement with the NOI in which he noted that 'twenty years ago, parents worried about one or two TV sets in the house,' while today, media choices are far more widespread for children, including videogames, which 'have become a prevalent entertainment source in millions of homes and a daily reality for millions of kids.'"

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