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Comment Re:Someone claim (C) on something oracle depend on (Score 1) 223

The Open Group claims the copyright on the POSIX specifications. If APIs can be copyrighted and this copyright includes all implementations, then it would be problematic for all open source *NIX systems.

Only if The Open Group were acquired by a company with malevolent intentions. A company such as, oh say, Oracle.

Of course, they might decide to provide a license that's valid for everyone except Oracle (though writing such a license in a way that's GPL compatible would be very hard, so glibc might be in trouble).

How is glibc in trouble? Oracle doesn't have the copyright for it.

Comment Re:This isn't a question (Score 1) 623

I have no idea why gay bashers keep bringing bestiality up.

Oh wait, yes I do. They are projecting their wishes to fuck a goat.

No, they're just making a non sequitur argument that expresses their distaste for gay sex.

I'm tempted to say that gay-bashers can go fuck a goat. But I think that would violate animal-cruelty laws.

Comment Re:Are you saying that criminals don't exist? (Score 1) 164

Well for one thing, the population of Denmark is 89.6% Danish. Finland is effectively ethnically homogeneous as well.

Homogeneity breeds better understanding and better community outcomes. Less fear of the other, more ability to emphasize with your neighbor who happened to get in trouble.

In other words, nothing like the United States. Make no mistake, immigration and diversity have good effects, but it has some pretty breathtaking challenges as well.

Other countries have ethnically diverse populations and yet have fewer problems that the USA. Their northern neighbor Canada comes to mind as an example.

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