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Comment And so it begins... (Score 1) 546

It could actually be true no doubt but it seems to me that this is just another salvo in the character assassination of Edward Snowden.

Even if it were true all it does is show the absolute incompetence of our intelligence agencies and the malfeasance of our political representatives; this is the worst thing about the unfettered collection of personal data by government and business alike, namely the lack of protection from the misuse and exposure of the information collected. Our collective governments and parliaments worldwide have been asleep at the wheel for the last 30 years, that is those that aren't actively involved in the process.

Comment Re:Good Luck (Score 1) 337

Does every slashdot thread have to become about Greece?

> Post about France
> Involves international law
> Possible clickbait headline
> ....
> Greece?

If the one who writes things about the cultural differences between France/Europe and USA, in a story about France/Europe trying to mess with a USA company, in a mostly American site like Slashdot, is a Greek (like i am), yes... i believe that i must mention my nationality (and i would not mind if everyone else did that - i find it "cultural honest" when i do it, plus i struggle with my English and i feel bad, so i mention it as a "don't be hard with me, i try!") - If you read my post you may understand that even while i am a Greek/European, i blame France/Greece/Europe, so this "have to become about Greece" you write is not exactly what you may think.

I think that the cultural differences between a Greek like me, a French, an American (like most people here), effect ANY discussion (even about systemd!) - can you please answer me this question: do you think my nationality is unrelated to THIS discusion, or you just object because i mention my nationality very often? Thank you very much Sir.

Beta won't be the death of slashdot; this retard will be!

Reading this reply to me, plus your reply in the other story, where you call me not just a "retard" but a "fascistic retard", i understand that you are in love with me! Am i right or am i right?

You know what is the sad thing about Slashdot (the "death of slashdot" to use your words)? That i constantly get down-modded for answering up-modded comments about my low IQ... it is like Slashdoters have a problem with retards... i always thought that Slashdoters were libtards! Come on Slashdot, where is your libtarded compassion to retards...

Perhaps I've got you all wrong... maybe you're just a very advanced version of Mark V. Shaney

Comment Re:Not the reality of software development (Score 1) 185

OK, I've worked in the industry for a very long time now, and it can be 'fun' for the few bits where you actually get to prototype or work on the bulk of the features. That takes 10 percent of the time. The rest of the time you are going to be trying to find obscure bugs, introduced by crappy programmers rushing to get features out. Meanwhile you will be micro-managed through the 'agile' process asking you to account for every hour of your time. Then we will throw ill defined features at you, and expect them to be done within this two week time period, and be shocked when you reach the end of two weeks, and they are not done. This is usually due to the fact that meanwhile 16 support tickets were also thrown at you that are all critical in nature. Then you have those late night calls with your Indian counter parts that you can barely understand or stay awake for. But it is fun!

I don't know what planet these people live on. It is a tough career with crazy deadlines and weird policies. You have to constantly keep up on the latest trends, or you will be viewed as 'too old' for the job. Meanwhile, computers never sleep, nor do they expect you to. You have to push back constantly to maintain your personal time.

That said, I love computers. I love programming. I just don't love the industry as it is now. There is a reason that most women don't want in. They may in fact be much smarter than men in this regards.

Possibly one of the most insightful comments here in a very long time

Comment Re: Same studies say whites are moronically stupid (Score 1) 185

Actualy a white's IQ level (which is used as a "base" also) is *on average* at 100, an (Chinese/Japanese/Korean/etc) Asian's is at 105 (other Asians, e.g., Indians, Arabs are much less than that, about 90), and a black's at 80...

What's the average Greek IQ?

If you exclude our annoying fascistic fried here around 100 but even given the size of the greek population once you include him it drops to around 23 or so.

Comment Re:Good Luck (Score 1) 337

Does every slashdot thread have to become about Greece?

> Post about France
> Involves international law
> Possible clickbait headline
> ....
> Greece?

If the one who writes things about the cultural differences between France/Europe and USA, in a story about France/Europe trying to mess with a USA company, in a mostly American site like Slashdot, is a Greek (like i am), yes... i believe that i must mention my nationality (and i would not mind if everyone else did that - i find it "cultural honest" when i do it, plus i struggle with my English and i feel bad, so i mention it as a "don't be hard with me, i try!") - If you read my post you may understand that even while i am a Greek/European, i blame France/Greece/Europe, so this "have to become about Greece" you write is not exactly what you may think.

I think that the cultural differences between a Greek like me, a French, an American (like most people here), effect ANY discussion (even about systemd!) - can you please answer me this question: do you think my nationality is unrelated to THIS discusion, or you just object because i mention my nationality very often? Thank you very much Sir.

Beta won't be the death of slashdot; this retard will be!

Comment Re:Life (Score 1) 111

No known New Testament manuscripts are from before approximately 125 AD. The original authors had probably been dead at least 50 years, and the documents had been copied and edited several times before those oldest documents were written. Please try not to insist on perfect duplication and correct translation for documents being written in the midst of devout religious change, the language is quite likely to get revised in translation and transcription.

What part of "non-contemporaneous" didn't you understand?

Comment Re:Life (Score 1) 111

Yes, virgin birth... which in biblical times, in that area of the world, meant that the woman was a virgin when she MARRIED. Doesn't have dick to do with god, God, or gods, except in the eyes of someone ignorant of their own religion.

I am a (religious) Greek actually, reading the New Testament in its original Greek text - it is very clear that "Virgin (Greek:parthena) Birth (Greek:genesis)" means a birth from a virgin... NOT "a birth from someone who was a virgin at some time".... something that you don't even have to read in the original Greek to understand!
  You can write that you don't believe it, but let's not change what it is writen and its very clear meaning.

Less dogmatic bullshit, more reality = better for everyone. It's not even all that uncommon of an event:

parthenogenesis is a type of asexual reproduction in which the offspring develops from unfertilized eggs. It is particularly common amongst arthropods and rotifers, can also be found in some species of fish, amphibians, birds, and reptiles, but not in mammals. Parthenogenetic development also occurs in some plants species, such as roses and orange trees.

I just made a (not so off-topic) reference to God and the Virgin Birth my friend - we BOTH have science confirming reality: you have it for the parthenogenesis of what your link mentions, i have it for the parthenogenesis of Jesus Christ... no need to get upset, especially since my reality is confirmed from both SCIENCE and GOD!

Yes they were originally written in Greek. However they are stories written by Greeks about non-contemporaneous events in a part of the world that did not speak Greek and did not have Greek customs... in short you've done nothing to refute GP's point.

Comment Re:Now if only the rest of the country would follo (Score 1) 545

The autism claims are entirely discredited now.

Yes, but everyone is ignoring the fact that the DPT shot has been proven to be the cause of SIDS. An adverse physiological response of shallow breathing occurs 7-14 days after administering the shot. When's the last time you heard anyone advertise a stern warning about that?

Where did you read that? At some anti-vaxx site no doubt, read this instead.


Comment Re:Detector, please (Score 1) 180

Drop Linux, learn MenuetOS, don't worry about getting infected by this kind of crap, and enjoy INSTANT boot-up/reboot/shut down and about a 400% speed improvement over current Linux.

Sure, it's proprietary, but as long as you understand ASM, you can do anything you want, more than Linux can.

I just dropped 'menuetos' into google to remind myself of what it was and the home page comes up as the first hit with a warning from google: "This site may be hacked." so remind me as to why I should worry about getting infected?

Comment Re:Interesting idea, nasty downsides (Score 4, Interesting) 93

Who still uses tape? Seriously, no data centric company on the planet still uses tape, its easier and cheaper to throw a bunch of large drives and a big fat pipe to offsite storage than deal with a tape robot.

People still using tape are doing so because they haven't moved on and like pain or are just ignorant of the alternatives.

Google, probably the most "data centric" company on earth, that's who!



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