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Comment Re:Now if only the rest of the country would follo (Score 1) 545

The autism claims are entirely discredited now.

Yes, but everyone is ignoring the fact that the DPT shot has been proven to be the cause of SIDS. An adverse physiological response of shallow breathing occurs 7-14 days after administering the shot. When's the last time you heard anyone advertise a stern warning about that?

Where did you read that? At some anti-vaxx site no doubt, read this instead.


Comment Re:Detector, please (Score 1) 180

Drop Linux, learn MenuetOS, don't worry about getting infected by this kind of crap, and enjoy INSTANT boot-up/reboot/shut down and about a 400% speed improvement over current Linux.

Sure, it's proprietary, but as long as you understand ASM, you can do anything you want, more than Linux can.

I just dropped 'menuetos' into google to remind myself of what it was and the home page comes up as the first hit with a warning from google: "This site may be hacked." so remind me as to why I should worry about getting infected?

Comment Re:Interesting idea, nasty downsides (Score 4, Interesting) 93

Who still uses tape? Seriously, no data centric company on the planet still uses tape, its easier and cheaper to throw a bunch of large drives and a big fat pipe to offsite storage than deal with a tape robot.

People still using tape are doing so because they haven't moved on and like pain or are just ignorant of the alternatives.

Google, probably the most "data centric" company on earth, that's who!



Comment Misses the big picture (Score 1) 345

A well formed argument that entirely misses the point; OS updates (not just microsoft) are essentially the broken window fallacy writ large.

It's all about sales and marketing types being able to say "oooh look shiny!" whilst fleecing everyone.... good engineering is about form following function not planned obsolescence.

Comment Re:How do you think that it should work? (Score 1) 141

There are many airports across the U.S. that actually went privatized-- the cities decided they didn't want TSA anymore. SFO, San Francisco, is one example. The government regulates and monitors the private firms at those airports to make sure they're up to federal requirements. I believe private firms do just about everything more cheaply. And I can't imagine they would be any less effective than TSA.

That's fascinating. I'm an aussie who has travelled to the US twice, once to San Jose via LAX, and once direct to SFO.

The difference between them was chalk and cheese... I'd previously put it down to cultural differences between SoCal and the north of the state. But, now that I know that SFO isn't the TSA it makes perfect sense.

Comment Re:*golf claps* (Score 1) 2219

Thank you. I sitll intend to participate in the slashcott next week, however. I believe that there is a political element at Dice that would not mind seeing the wretched hive of men's rights activism and anti-feminism that is Slashdot in mothballs.

Godspeed to those who are working on altslashdot.org. I'm afraid that Code.org and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have given orders from On High that the community that questions feminism at Slashdot must be disbanded.

I've encountered sexism many times in my life before. Usually the argument is that because I was assigned the male gender at birth, despite the physical gender of the wetware between my ears, THEREFORE I am sexist. Q. E. D.

I wished many, many times during my male adolescence thatI had been born female instead. None of those wishes came true. However, if any of them had, I suspect that my school's administration would not have attempted to threaten me with FBI incarceration because I wanted to have a computer club nor would they have attempted to paint me as a plagarist because my code was "too good" for somebody of my age back then.

More assigned males are speaking out against this problem. There is nothing you can do, Dice or Code.org. More and more of us are becoming aware that the feminist narrative is wrong-headed.

As much as I wish more cis women would go into programming, I am not their mistress or their Borg queen. I do not control their actions.

There needs to be a different approach.

How about a -1 WTF option?

Comment Re:Unnecessary (Score 2) 208

A big advantage of the "old" technologies is that you can get them running with household items. It's impossible to built an integrated circuit at home, but it's quite feasible to build a steam engine. I learned a lot about technology by servicing my bicycle. I had a very old typewriter which was build on a completely different principle than the usual querty keys, it had a pointer which mechanically connected to a cylinder with the letters and only one key which caused the cylinder to hammer down on the carbon ribbon and the paper. Just to see that there are many different solutions to a given problem greatly increases your understanding of technology. So yes, I think you missed out greatly. All you had was magical black boxes which somehow did what you wanted them to do.

Don't be so sure about that

Comment Re:Reinforcing the term (Score 2, Funny) 464

With that defense, yeah - a total douche. She isn't "defending the future", she's trying to dodge the speeding ticket, with a twist that she was caught what the state of California (IMHO rightly) defines as a monitor. They didn't say it was a "television", and neither does the citation.

Sorry, ma'am, but even if you manage to get the law itself changed, you're still guilty of violating it.


My experience with driving in the US (specifically California) is that if she wasn't doing 80+ in a 65 zone the cops would have picked someone who was, they wouldn't have had to wait long at all. She was caught speeding and is trying to make a spectacle out of it in order to get off.

I see what you did there

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